"Firm ID",Name,Gender,"Street Address",City,"Start Date","End Date",Role,"Title Id",Title,"Signed Author",Pseudonym,Imprint,"Self Published","Printing City","Printing Country","Printing Lat","Printing Long",Date,Format,Length,Width,Edition,Volumes,Pagination,Sources,"Price Pound","Price Shilling","Price Pence","Other Price",Genre,"Shelf mark" 1519,"J. Johnston",U,Cheapside,London,,,Bookseller,10320,"The farmer of Inglewood Forest and the Godwin Family, or, The celebrated history of Edwin and Emma and their benefactors. By the Author of Fatherless Fanny, Old English baron, Mysteries of Udolpho, Edwin and Lucy &c. &c.","By the Author of Fatherless Fanny, Old English baron, Mysteries of Udolpho, Edwin and Lucy &c. &c.",,"Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by C. & W. Thompson, Albion Office, Westbar and Cornmarket; sold also by J. Johnston, Cheapside, T. Kelly, Paternoster-Row, Robins & Co., Ivy-Lane",no,Sheffield,GB,53.3829700,-1.4659000,1825,Unknown,22,,,1,403,"Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books u796149; WorldCat http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/48036871",,,,,"Juvenile Literature",