"Firm ID",Name,Gender,"Street Address",City,"Start Date","End Date",Role,"Title Id",Title,"Signed Author",Pseudonym,Imprint,"Self Published","Printing City","Printing Country","Printing Lat","Printing Long",Date,Format,Length,Width,Edition,Volumes,Pagination,Sources,"Price Pound","Price Shilling","Price Pence","Other Price",Genre,"Shelf mark" 2628,"R. C. Staines",U,,Chelmsford,1794,1797,Bookseller,2685,"The true and affecting history of the Duchess of C****, who was confined by her husband in a dismal dungeon, under ground, where light never entered, and in which was nothing except a straw bed; bread and water being her only support, and that conveyed by means of a turning-box, by her unrelenting husband, whom the law but once during her imprisonment of nine years; in which course of time she frequently suffered the severity of extreme Hunger, Thirst, and Cold. But happily a few days before her tyrant's death, he disclosed the secret of subterraneous abode. To a friend; from which she was soon after released by her parents.",[Anonymous],,"printed and sold by S. Fisher, No. 10, St John's Lane, Clerkenwell. Also sold by T. Hurst, No. 32 Paternoster Row; and R. C. Staines, Chelmsford",no,London,GB,51.5085300,-0.1257400,1799,Duodecimo,,,,1,48,"ESTC T176486; Google Books https://books.google.ca/books?id=EerKB3D6NQcC; WorldCat http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/32491335",,,6.0,,Biography,