"Firm ID",Name,Gender,"Street Address",City,"Start Date","End Date",Role,"Title Id",Title,"Signed Author",Pseudonym,Imprint,"Self Published","Printing City","Printing Country","Printing Lat","Printing Long",Date,Format,Length,Width,Edition,Volumes,Pagination,Sources,"Price Pound","Price Shilling","Price Pence","Other Price",Genre,"Shelf mark" 4356,"T. Parsons",U,"21 Paternoster Row",London,1789,1793,Bookseller,6463,"A list of a few cures performed by Mr. and Mrs. de Loutherbourg, of Hammersmith Terrace, without medicine. By a lover of the Lamb of God. M. P. Most respectfully dedicated to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury.","By a lover of the Lamb of God. M. P.; Mary Pratt [at end of dedication]",,"At the Mary-la-Bonne Printing-Office, No.108, Great Titchfield-Street, Oxford-Street, by J. P. Cooke, for the author. And sold by W. Nicoll, Jun. St. Paul's Church-Yard; T. Parsons, Pater-noster-Row; Smith and Gardner, Oxford-street; and the Booksellers in Town and Country",yes,London,GB,51.5085300,-0.1257400,1789,Quarto,27,20,,1,9,"ESTC T84825; British Library 1418.k.17.",,,6.0,,Religion/Biblical,"BL 1418.k.17."