"Firm ID",Name,Gender,"Street Address",City,"Start Date","End Date",Role,"Title Id",Title,"Signed Author",Pseudonym,Imprint,"Self Published","Printing City","Printing Country","Printing Lat","Printing Long",Date,Format,Length,Width,Edition,Volumes,Pagination,Sources,"Price Pound","Price Shilling","Price Pence","Other Price",Genre,"Shelf mark" 460,"J. Lee",U,"9 Clement's Inn",London,1790,,Bookseller,6870,"Eliza, a novel: in two volumes. By Mrs. Yeates, daughter of the late Holland Cooksey, Esq. of Braces Leigh, in the County of Worcester.","By Mrs. Yeates, daughter of the late Holland Cooksey, Esq. of Braces Leigh, in the County of Worcester",,"printed and published by S. Tibson; and sold by C. Chapple; J. and E. Kerby; J. Lee; and West and Hughes",no,Lambeth,GB,51.4963500,-0.1115200,1800,Duodecimo,,,,2,"I xii, 168; II 180","ESTC T144767; The English Novel 1770-1829 1800: 80",,7,,,"Fiction Novel","Corvey; CME 3-628-48984-9; ESTC t144767 (BI BL)"