"Firm ID",Name,Gender,"Street Address",City,"Start Date","End Date",Role,"Title Id",Title,"Signed Author",Pseudonym,Imprint,"Self Published","Printing City","Printing Country","Printing Lat","Printing Long",Date,Format,Length,Width,Edition,Volumes,Pagination,Sources,"Price Pound","Price Shilling","Price Pence","Other Price",Genre,"Shelf mark" 6291,"David Carlisle",M,"No. 5, Court Street",Boston,,,Printer,19444,"A spelling dictionary, divided into short lessons, for the easier committing to memory by children and young persons; and calculated to assist youth in comprehending what they read: selected from Johnson's Dictionary, for the use of her pupils. By Susanna Rowson.","By Susanna Rowson.",,"Published and for sale by John West, No. 75, Cornhill. David Carlisle, printer, No. 5, Court Street.",no,Boston,US,42.3584300,-71.0597700,1807,,15,,,1,"iv, 132","American Antiquarian Society 285482; America's Historical Imprints II: Shaw-Shoemaker, 1801-1819 13524",,,,,Education,