There are 9 titles associated with this person.

@book{ wphp_25652
  title={Mr. Macklin's reply to Mr. Garrick's answer. To which are prefix'd, all the papers, which have publickly appeared, in regard to this important dispute.},
  publisher={James Roberts [Warwick Lane] \& Anne Dodd II},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_12700
  author={Collier,George and Allingham,John Till and Reed,Joseph and Jackman,Isaac and Dibdin,Charles and Brooke,Frances and Garrick,David and Ravenscroft,Edward and Knight,Thomas and Bickerstaff,Isaac and Jephson,Robert and Fielding,Henry and Murphy,Arthur and Arnold,Samuel James and Sheridan,Richard Brinsley and Burgoyne,John and Macklin,Charles and Cowley,Hannah},
  title={Cawthorn's Minor British Theatre. Consisting of the Most Esteemed Farces and Operas.},
  publisher={John Cawthorn [Catherine Street] \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_1240
  author={Addison,Joseph and Hill,Aaron and Philips,Ambrose and Southerne,Thomas and Lee,Nathaniel and Massinger,Philip and Farquhar,George and Fletcher,John and Kemble,John Philip and Shakespeare,William and Dryden,John and Murphy,Arthur and Home,John and Colman,George (the younger) and Tobin,John and Baillie,Joanna and Beaumont,Francis and Thomson,James and Hoadly,Benjamin and Macklin,Charles and Moore,Edward and Whitehead,William and Shirley,William and Garrick,David and Hartson,Hall and Jephson,Robert and Young,Edward and Gay,John and Lillo,George and Vanbrugh,John and O'Keeffe,John and Miller,James and Congreve,William and Morton,Thomas and Reynolds,Frederick and Jones,Henry and Cowley,Hannah and Burgoyne,John and Goldsmith,Oliver and Centlivre,Susanna and Hughes,John and Steele,Richard and Otway,Thomas and Brooke,Henry and Rowe,Nicholas and Cibber,Colley and Cumberland,Richard and Bickerstaff,Isaac and Jonson,Ben and Sheridan,Richard Brinsley},
  title={The British Theatre; or, A collection of plays, which are acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and Haymarket. Printed under the authority of the managers from the prompt books. With critical and biographical remarks, by Mrs. Inchbald. In twenty-five volumes.},
  publisher={Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_371
  author={Colman,George (the elder) and Hawkesworth,John and Burgoyne,John and O'Hara,Kane and Birch,Samuel and Kemble,John Philip and Colman,George (the younger) and Tobin,John and Bickerstaff,Isaac and Sheridan,Richard Brinsley and Dodsley,Robert and Brooke,Frances and Jackman,Isaac and Garrick,David and Fielding,Henry and Foote,Samuel and Murphy,Arthur and du Crest de Saint-Aubin,Stéphanie Félicité and Inchbald,Elizabeth and Kenney,James and Cowley,Hannah and Macklin,Charles and Kotzebue,August Friedrich Ferdinand von and Dibdin,Thomas and O'Keeffe,John and Jephson,Robert and Knight,Thomas and Pearce,William and Hoare,Prince and Reed,Joseph},
  title={A Collection of Farces and Other Afterpieces, which are acted at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane, Covent-Garden, and Hay-Market. Printed under the authority of the manager from the prompt book: selected by Mrs. Inchbald. In seven volumes.},
  publisher={Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_12699
  author={Sheridan,Frances Chamberlaine and Goldsmith,Oliver and Garrick,David and Lee,Sophia and Macklin,Charles and Burgoyne,John and Fielding,Henry and Steele,Richard and Cowley,Hannah and Richardson,Joseph and Murphy,Arthur and Sheridan,Richard Brinsley and Cumberland,Richard and Colman,George (the elder) and Cibber,Colley and Vanbrugh,John},
  title={English Comedy: A Collection of the Most Celebrated Dramas, Since the Commencement of the Reformation of the Stage by Sir Richard Steele and Colley Cibber.},
  publisher={John Sharpe [Piccadilly]},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_13467
  author={Burgoyne,John and Macklin,Charles and Foote,Samuel and Townley,James and O'Hara,Kane and Carey,Henry and Gay,John and Sheridan,Richard Brinsley and Cumberland,Richard and Goldsmith,Oliver and Colman,George (the elder) and Fielding,Henry and Centlivre,Susanna and Steele,Richard and Farquhar,George and Bickerstaff,Isaac and Cibber,Colley and Vanbrugh,John and Garrick,David and Wycherley,William and Howard,Robert and Villiers,George and Milton,John and Walpole,Horace and Hartson,Hall and Franklin,Benjamin and Murphy,Arthur and Dodsley,Robert and Home,John and Brown,John and Jones,Henry and Glover,Richard and Moore,Edward and Mason,William and Whitehead,William and Johnson,Samuel and Thomson,James and Miller,James and Brooke,Henry and Havard,William and Hill,Aaron and Hoadly,Benjamin and Lillo,George and Fenton,Elijah and Young,Edward and Hughes,John and Philips,Ambrose and Addison,Joseph and Rowe,Nicholas and Congreve,William and Southerne,Thomas and Otway,Thomas and Dryden,John and Lee,Nathaniel and Massinger,Philip and Beaumont,Francis and Fletcher,John and Shakespeare,William and Jonson,Ben and Brooke,Frances},
  title={The Modern British Drama. In five volumes.},
  publisher={William Miller [Albemarle Street] \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_13405
  author={Fielding,Henry and Wycherley,William and Rowe,Nicholas and Hoadly,Benjamin and Brooke,Frances and Knight,Thomas and Foote,Samuel and Beaumont,Francis and Fletcher,John and Dibdin,Charles and Vanbrugh,John and Cowley,Hannah and Home,John and O'Hara,Kane and Macklin,Charles and Addison,Joseph and Lillo,George and Kemble,John Philip and Lee,Sophia and Moore,Edward and Murphy,Arthur and Massinger,Philip and Sheridan,Richard Brinsley and Cumberland,Richard and Cibber,Colley and Bickerstaff,Isaac and Colman,George (the elder) and Gay,John and Shakespeare,William and Lee,Nathaniel and Goldsmith,Oliver and Otway,Thomas and Centlivre,Susanna and Lewis,Matthew Gregory and Holcroft,Thomas and Garrick,David and Farquhar,George and Cherry,Andrew and Philips,Ambrose and Beazley,Samuel and Terry,Daniel and Pocock,Isaac and Sheil,Richard Lalor and Walker,C. F.},
  title={The English Drama, with prefatory remarks, biographical sketches, and notes, critical and explanatory; being the only edition existing which is faithfully marked with the stage business and stage directions, as performed at the Theatres Royal. Edited by W. Oxberry, Comedian.},
  publisher={W. Simpkin and R. Marshall \& Clement Chapple [66 Pall Mall] \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_13473
  author={Congreve,William and Tobin,John and Hill,Aaron and Dodsley,Robert and Kelly,Hugh and Miller,James and Holman,Joseph George and Shirley,William and Thomson,James and Jones,Henry and Colman,George (the younger) and Hughes,John and Whitehead,William and Jephson,Robert and Vanbrugh,John and Brooke,Henry and Philips,Ambrose and Steele,Richard and Lillo,George and Allingham,John Till and Burgoyne,John and Jonson,Ben and Hoadly,Benjamin and Kemble,John Philip and Brown,John and Cobb,James and Milton,John and Southerne,Thomas and Otway,Thomas and Cibber,Colley and Pilon,Frederick and Holcroft,Thomas and Centlivre,Susanna and Birch,Samuel and Lee,Nathaniel and Macklin,Charles and Farquhar,George and O'Hara,Kane and Fletcher,John and Beaumont,Francis and Young,Edward and Inchbald,Elizabeth and Foote,Samuel and Moore,Edward and Knight,Thomas and Cowley,Hannah and Addison,Joseph and Murphy,Arthur and Dibdin,Charles and Rowe,Nicholas and Garrick,David and Colman,George (the elder) and Goldsmith,Oliver and Cumberland,Richard and Jackman,Isaac and Lewis,Matthew Gregory and Fielding,Henry and Bickerstaff,Isaac and Sheridan,Richard Brinsley and Kotzebue,August Friedrich Ferdinand von and Gay,John and Townley,James and Cherry,Andrew and Coffey,Charles and Carey,Henry and Massinger,Philip and Gentleman,Francis and O'Brien,Mr. and Francklin,Thomas and Moncrieff,William Thomas and Thompson,Benjamin and Andrews,Miles Peter and King,Thomas and Dudley,Sir Henry Bate and Hartwell,Henry and Cross,James Cartwright},
  title={The London Stage; a collection of the most reputed tragedies, comedies, operas, melo-dramas, farces, and interludes. Accurately printed from acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, and carefully collated and revised.},
  publisher={Giles Balne},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_12156
  author={Shakespeare,William and Mitford,Mary Russell and Massinger,Philip and Addison,Joseph and Rowe,Nicholas and Farquhar,George and Macklin,Charles and Moore,Edward and Holcroft,Thomas and Centlivre,Susanna and Murphy,Arthur and Gay,John and Cibber,Colley and Vanbrugh,John and Bickerstaff,Isaac and Cumberland,Richard and Otway,Thomas and Cowley,Hannah and Hoadly,Benjamin and Home,John and Sheridan,Richard Brinsley and Goldsmith,Oliver and Colman,George (the younger) and Garrick,David and Inchbald,Elizabeth and Kenney,James and Foote,Samuel and Oulton,Wally Chamberlain and Bayley,Peter and O'Hara,Kane and Beaumont,Francis and Fletcher,John and Burgoyne,John and Tobin,John and Townley,James and Lewis,Matthew Gregory and Young,Edward and Kemble,John Philip and Morton,Thomas and Brown,John and O'Keeffe,John and Allingham,John Till and Congreve,William and Dibdin,Thomas and Wycherley,William and Reynolds,Frederick and Macready,William and Cherry,Andrew and Hoare,Prince and Scott,Walter and Southerne,Thomas and Knight,Thomas and Kemble,Maria Theresa and Birch,Samuel and Pearce,William and Jephson,Robert and Cobb,James and Soane,George and Milton,John and Fielding,Henry and Banim,John and Davidson,Margaret and Gordon,George and Lee,Nathaniel and Arnold,Samuel James and Johnson,Charles and Knowles,James Sheridan and Rowley,W. and Planche,James Robinson and Payne,John Howard and Lunn,Joseph and Poole,John and Ebsworth,Joseph and Daniel,George and Thompson,Benjamin and Bouilly,Jean-Nicolas and Moncrieff,William Thomas and Ayton,Richard and Thompson,Charles and Arne,Thomas Augustine and Raupach,Ernst and Talbot,R. and Mayne,Jasper and Thomas,J. and Shannon,Charles and Glengall,Richard Butler and Fitzball,Edward and Peake,Richard Brinsley and Buckstone,John Baldwin and Boaden,Caroline and Dibdin,James and Burges,James Bland and Rodwell,George Herbert and Lacy,Michael Rophino and Pocock,Isaac and Somerset,Charles A. and Webster,Benjamin and Penley,S. and Jerrold,Douglas and Hook,Theodore Edward and Millingen,James V. and de Trueba Cosio,Don T. and Linus,Barham and Hartwell,Henry and Raymond,Richard John and MacFarren,George and Bernard,William Baile and Mayhew,Thomas and Westmacott,Charles Molloy and Ryan,Richard and Smith,G. and Morton,John Maddison and Abbott a Beckett,Gilbert and Rhodes,William Barnes and Terry,Daniel and Maturin,Charles Robert and Rede,William Leman and Lovell,George William and James,Richard and Calcraft,John William and Lemon,Mark and Boker,George Henry and Bennett,George John and Dimond,William and Hunt,James Henry Leigh and Scribe,Eugène and Davidson,Mrs. and Webster,John and d'Ennery,Adolphe and Fournier,Marc and Webb,Charles and Kean,Edmund},
  title={Cumberland's British Theatre, with remarks, biographical and critical. Printed from the acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, London.},
  publisher={John Cumberland [19 Ludgate Hill]},
  address={London},    }