
Explore Persons

The person list contains all the person entries organized alphabetically by last name. Select ID to sort by ID number. For each entry, the person list shows the ID, Last name, First name, Gender, Date of birth, and Date of death.

Person Fields


Unique ID number for this entry.

Last name

Person’s last name (we mostly include a woman’s maiden name, though we will provide a married name for well-known writers known by their married name).

First name

Person’s first name, middle name, Mrs., Mr., Lady or Madame may also be included, especially if the first name is not known, and where appropriate.


Where appropriate, full aristocratic title.


Gender classifications are female, male, and unknown.

Date of birth

If known, YYYY-MM-DD.

Place of birth

If known; city or town is geotagged.

Date of death

If known, YYYY-MM-DD.

Place of death

If known; city or town is geotagged.


Link to the person’s Virtual International Authority File if available.

Wikipedia URL

Link to the person’s entry in Wikipedia if available.

Image URL

Link to an image of the person if available.


List of all titles a person is associated with including the role, title, and date.

Final check

Indicates that biographical information has been gathered for the person entry

Export citation list

Export a list of all titles associated with the person in MLA, APA, Chicago, and BibTex. Select buttons to change format.

Suggestions and Comments

To make a suggestion or comment on a person entry, select Suggestions and Comments and fill out the form. Use this form to make suggested revisions or additions to the person record.

Explore Contributor Roles

Each person entry is assigned one or more of the following roles.

Selecting the Contributor role or the number of contributions will open a page with the role name and description and a list of all persons and the titles associated with that role. This list is sorted by ?


The person responsible for the composition of the work.


Indicates the person running the firm that sold the work. This role is included if the firm is female-run.


The person who selected the works contained within a text. Usually applies to anthologies and collections.


The person responsible for the composition of music, most often in a play or psalm.


The person who selected, revised, and arranged the work for print.


The person responsible for turning an illustration into an engraving.


The person who created the image from which any engravings were created. Usually different than the Engraver.


The person who composed the introduction or any prefatory material for the work. Must be a different person than the author.


Indicates the person running the firm that printed the work. This role is included if the firm is female-run.


Indicates the person running the firm for whom the work was printed. This role is included if the firm is female-run.


The person who is responsible for translating the text from one language to another.

Search Persons

The Search Persons page defaults to a basic person search by name with a custom search page available via the Advanced Search button. Select a method to sort results with the Results Sorted By dropdown menu. The Advanced Search allows users to search for specific persons by fields associated with a person. Search results return all person entries that include the search term. Selecting a person will return all titles associated with that person.


Text search for all or part of a personal name.

Results Sorted By

Choose a sort method for the results.

Person ID

Search for a person by entering the exact Person ID number.


Search for persons by gender. Leave Gender field blank to include all genders.

Date of Birth

Search for person by birth year using a single year (e.g. 1795) or a range of years (1790-1800) or partial range of years (*-1800).

Date of Death

Search for person by death year using a single year (e.g. 1795) or a range of years (1790-1800) or partial range of years (*-1800).

Place of Birth

Text search for person by place of birth.

Place of Death

Text search for person by place of death.


Enter a VIAF URI to check if we have a corresponding record. Enter “blank” to find records which do not have VIAF URIs.

Wikipedia URL

Enter a Wikipedia URL to check if we have a corresponding record. Enter “blank” to find records which do not have Wikipedia URLs.

Image URL

Enter an image URL to check if we have a corresponding record. Enter “blank” to find records which do not have image URLs.

Filter by Title

Person search can be filtered by all or part of a title, by contributor role, by date of publication, by genre, or by location of printing.

Filter by Firm

Person search can be filtered by all or part of a firm name, by firm gender, by firm role, or by firm address.

Search results appear below the search fields. The search can be reset using the reset button. Search results include the person’s ID, last name, first name, gender, date of birth, and date of death.