
Explore Titles

Explore titles contains all the title entries organized by ID. For each title, the title list shows the Title ID, Title, Contributor (Roles), Firms (Firm Role), Date, and Edition.

Title Fields

Title ID

Unique ID number for this entry


Full title as it appears on the title page, including subtitle, signed author, and edition statement where applicable


Linked to Persons. Contributor roles include name of author(s) (if known) and, where appropriate, editors, translators, authors of introductory material, engravers, and women involved in printing, publishing, bookselling, etc. If any of the roles are attributed to a woman whose name is unknown, they will be listed as “Unknown.”

Signed author

Author attribution as it appears on the title page or at the end of the preface. (Ex. “By a lady,” “By the author of … “)


If the author has signed the work with a name that is false or made up.


Linked to the Firms. Includes all printers, publishers, and booksellers listed in the imprint and colophon.

Self published

Indicates whether the title was published by the author or whether it was published by an external publishing firm.


Number of volumes that the edition was published in, indicated in arabic numerals.


Pagination of each volume. Each volume indicated by a capital letter roman numeral, prefatory matter indicated by lowercase roman numerals, regular pagination indicated in arabic numerals.

Date of Publication

Date (year) as it appears in the imprint. Where imprint information is unavailable, this will reflect the best estimate we have.


Edition as it appears in the edition statement on the title page; 1st editions are not indicated on title pages so in the case of an earliest known printing 1st edition is assumed.

Edition Number

Edition number translated into arabic numerals from the form as it appeared on the title page.

Date of first publication

Date (year) that the work was first published.


Information about printers, publishers, booksellers as represented on the title page


Information, usually about the printer, including an address when provided, found at the front or the back of the book.

Location of printing

City or town and country in which publication was printed. Selecting location will open the Geonames entry.


The way that sheets have been folded and gathered into pages. Formats might include folio, quarto, octavo, duodecimo, sextodecimo, octodecimo, vicesimo-quarto. Selecting the format will open a page with description of format and list of titles published in that format.


Length of page measured in cm.


Width of page measured in cm.

Price (pound)

Portion of price (pounds) as listed on the title page or in catalogues and periodicals.

Price (shilling)

Portion of price (shillings) as listed on the title page or in catalogues and periodicals.

Price (pence)

Portion of price (pence) as listed on the title page or in catalogues and periodicals.

Total price (in pence)

Total price as listed on the title page or in catalogues and periodicals expressed in pence.


Category into which the work falls. Descriptions of each genre in Explore Genres. Selecting the genre will open produce a list of all titles in that genre.


List of sources consulted to populate the entry fields. Sources include the source name and ID. The source ID will vary according to the source, but will correspond to a unique identifier for the source consulted. For descriptions of sources, see Explore Sources. Selecting the source name will open a page with information about that source and a list of titles that use that source. If the source ID is hyperlinked, selecting it will take you to the original source record.


Call numbers for location in various libraries.


Any important information that does not fit in the above fields will be indicated here, as well as links to sources that do not have a unique identifying number.


Indicates that a physical copy of the text has been consulted.

Attempted Verification

Indicates that an attempt has been made to identify sources but that only one source was found.


Indicates that two or more sources have been found or that the work has been hand-verified. For a detailed description of the verification process, see Project Methodology - Titles.

Bibliographic Entry

Provides citation format for that title information for the user in MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, and BibTex. Select tabs to change format.

Suggestions and Comments

To make a suggestion or comment on a title entry, select Suggestions and Comments and fill out the form. Use this form to make suggested revisions or additions to the title record.

Search Titles

The Title Search page defaults to a basic title search function with a Results Sorted By field and an Advanced Search button.


Text search for all or part of a title.

Results Sorted By

Sort results alphabetically, by publication date, by first publication date, and by edition number.

Title ID

Search for a title by entering the exact Title ID number.

Filter by Person

Titles can be filtered by all or part of a Person’s name, by gender (female, male, or unknown), and by firm role.

Signed author

Text search for title by Signed author field.


Text search for title by Pseudonym field.

Filter by Firm

Titles can be filtered by all of part of a Firm’s name, by Firm gender (female, male, unknown), by Firm role (Publisher, Printer, Bookseller, Unknown), and by Firm Address.


Search by whether a title has been self-published or not.


Search for a title by entering the exact number of volumes.

Date of Publication

Search for the year a title was published (e.g. 1795) or a range of years (1790-1800) or partial range of years (*-1800).

Date of First Publication

Search for the year a title was first published (e.g. 1795) or a range of years (1790-1800) or partial range of years (*-1800).

Edition Number

Search for a title by entering the edition number.


Text search for title by Imprint field.


Text search for title by Colophon field.

Location of Printing

Searches Location of Printing field.


Titles can be filtered by the Format in which they were printed. A description of all formats can be found in Explore Formats.


Search for a title by entering the length of the page in centimetres.


Search for a title by entering the width of the page in centimetres.

Filter by Price

Title search can be filtered by Price (pound) field, Price (shilling) field, and/or Price (pence) field. Filter search by Equal To (exact), Less Than, or Greater Than the amount entered.


Titles can be filtered by the Genres in which they were printed. A description of all formats can be found in Explore Genres.


Search for title by entering the Shelfmark.


Search by the Notes field.


Title search can be filtered by titles which have been Hand-Verified by clicking Yes, or not Hand-Verified by clicking No. The default setting of None removes the filter.


Title search can be filtered by titles which have been Verified by clicking Yes, or not Verified by clicking No. The default setting of None removes the filter.

Attempted Verification

Title search can be filtered by texts which have had an Attempted Verification by clicking Yes, or no attempted Verification by clicking No. The default setting of None removes the filter.

Search results appear below the search fields. The search can be reset using the reset button. A list of the entries generated by the search can be exported using the export button. Results can be exported with MLA, Chicago, APA formatting or as a BibTex file. Search results include the Title ID, Title, Contributors (Role), Firms (Role), Date of Publication, Edition.