Titles by John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] in BIBTEX format
There are 40 titles associated with this firm.
@book{ wphp_3585 author={Rowe,Elizabeth Singer}, year={1770}, title={Devout exercises of the heart in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise. By the late Pious and Ingenious Mrs Rowe. Reviewed and published at her request, by I. Watts, D. D. The eighth edition.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Edward and Charles Dilly \& Thomas Caslon \& Thomas Longman II \& Thomas Field \& James Buckland [57 Paternoster]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_12378 author={Lillo,George and Philips,Ambrose and Cibber,Colley and Addison,Joseph and Jones,Henry and Brown,John and Hughes,John and Glover,Richard and Murphy,Arthur and Whitehead,William and Hoadly,Benjamin and Smith,Edmund and Moore,Edward and Woodward,Henry and Foote,Samuel and Home,John and Lee,Nathaniel and Hill,Aaron and Vanbrugh,John and Farquhar,George and Garrick,David and Congreve,William and Centlivre,Susanna and Steele,Richard and Dryden,John and Howard,Robert and Southerne,Thomas and Young,Edward and Thomson,James and Rowe,Nicholas and Otway,Thomas and Fielding,Henry}, year={1776}, title={The New English Theatre in Twelve Volumes, containing the most valuable plays which have been acted on the London stage.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& James Dodsley \& George Robinson [ii] \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& Thomas Longman II \& Samuel Bladon [Paper Mill, Paternoster Row] \& William Nicoll \& Thomas Becket [Strand] \& Thomas Davies [Russell Street] \& Robert Baldwin I \& Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& Charles Bathurst [26 Fleet Street] \& William Johnston [Ludgate Street] \& William Flexney [319 Holborn] \& James Robson \& William Owen \& Thomas Caslon \& William Strahan \& William Woodfall \& Robert Horsfield \& William Owen and Son \& Benjamin White \& Edward Dilly \& James Barker [Drury Lane] \& Lockyer Davis [High Holborn]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_6390 author={Gessner,Salomon}, year={1777}, title={The death of Abel. In five books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner. The eleventh edition.}, publisher={Joseph Collyer [Clerkenwell] \& }, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_3513 author={Rowe,Elizabeth Singer}, year={1777}, title={Devout exercises of the heart in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise. By the late pious and ingenious Mrs Rowe. Reviewed and published at her request, by I. Watts, D.D. The ninth edition.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Edward and Charles Dilly \& Thomas Caslon \& Thomas Longman II \& Thomas Field \& James Buckland [57 Paternoster]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_7471
title={The house-keeper's pocket-book, and compleat family cook: Containing above twelve hundred curious and uncommon receipts in cookery, pastry, preserving, pickling, candying, collaring, &c. with plain and easy instructions for preparing and dressing every thing suitable for an elegant entertainment, from two dishes to five or ten, &c. also a copious and useful bill of fare, of all manner of provisions in season, for every month in the year. Together with directions for making all sorts of wine, mead, cyder, shrub, distilling strong-waters, &c. for brewing ale and small-beer in a cleanly, frugal manner: and for managing and breeding poultry to advantage. Likewise several useful family receipts for taking out stains, preserving furniture, cleaning plate, taking iron-moulds out of linen, &c. as also easy tables, of sums ready cast up, from one farthing to one pound, for the use of those not conversant in arithmetic: and tables shewing the interest of money from 3, 3 1/2, 4 and 5 per cent. from one day to a year. The whole is so contrived as to contain more than any book of double the price; and the excellency of the receipts renders it the most useful book of the kind. By Mrs. Sarah Harrison. The ninth edition, revised and corrected. To which are now added several modern receipts, by very good judges. Also, every one their own pysician: a collection of the most approved receipts for the cure of the disorders incident to human bodies.},
publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Stanley Crowder \& Samuel Bladon [Paper Mill, Paternoster Row] \& Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& Richardson and Urquhart \& Richard Ware \& Richard Horsfield \& W. Hayes},
address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_8335 author={L'Écluse des Loges,Pierre Mathurin de}, year={1778}, title={Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, prime minister to Henry the Great. Containing the History of the Life and Reign of that Monarch, and his own Administration under Him. Translated from the French, by the Author of the Female Quixote. To which is added, the Tryal of Ravaillac for the Murder of Henry the Great. In Five Volumes. A new edition.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& James Dodsley \& Stanley Crowder \& George Robinson [ii] \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_4439 author={Glasse,Hannah}, year={1778}, title={The art of cookery, made plain and easy; Which far exceeds any Thing of the Kind yet published. Containing, I. How to Roast and Boil to Perfection every Thing necessary to be sent up to Table. II. Of Made-Dishes. III. How expensive a French Cook's Sauce is. IV. To make a Number of pretty little Dishes for a Supper or Side-Dish, and little Corner-Dishes for a great Table. V. To dress Fish. VI. Of Soups and Broths. Vii. Of Puddings. Viii. Of Pies. IX. For a Lent Dinner; a Number of good Dishes which may be made use of at any other Time. X. Directions to prepare proper Food for the Sick. XI. For Captains of Ships; how to make all useful Dishes for a Voyage; and setting out a Table on board. XII. Of Hog's-Puddings, Sausages, &c. XIII. To pot and make Hams &c. XIV. Of Pickling. XV. Of making Cakes, &c. XVI. Of Cheesecakes, Creams, Jellies, Whip-Syllabubs, &c. XVII. Of made Wines, Brewing, French Bread, Mussins, &c. XVIII. Jarring Cherries and Preserves, &c. XIX. To make Anchovies, Vermicelli, Catchup, Vinegar, and to keep Artichokes, French Beans, &c. XX. Of Distilling. XXI. How to market; the Season of the Year for Butchers Meat, Poultry, Fish, Herbs, Roots, and Fruit. XXII. A certain Cure for the Bite of a Mad Dog, by Dr. Mead. XXII. A Receipt to keep clear from Bugs. To which are added, one hundred and fifty new and useful receipts; and also fifty receipts for different articles of perfumery. With a Copious Index. By a lady. A New Edition. With all the modern improvements. And also, the order of a bill of fare, for each month, in the manner the dishes are to be placed upon the Table, in the present taste.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Stanley Crowder \& George Robinson [ii] \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& Thomas Durham [Charing Cross] \& Joseph Johnson \& John Wilkie \& William Nicoll \& John Fielding and John Walker II \& Robert Baldwin I \& Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& Henry Gardner \& Francis Newbery \& John Bew [Paternoster Row] \& James Robson \& William Owen \& Thomas Caslon \& William Strahan \& Thomas Longman II \& William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] \& Benjamin White \& John Wallis [Ludgate Street] \& John Richardson [Edinburgh] \& John Hinton [Newgate Street] \& William Fox \& Thomas Becket [82 Pall Mall] \& William Davies \& Richard Dymott \& B. Domville \& John Knox [London]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_6913 author={Unknown,}, year={1780}, title={A letter from Mrs. Straightforward to her son Timmy. To which is prefixed, Mrs. Straightforward's letter to the ladies and gentlemen of Cambridge.}, publisher={John Deighton [Cambridge, 1784–1786; 1796–?] \& }, address={Cambridge}, }
@book{ wphp_6462 author={Gessner,Salomon}, year={1780}, title={The death of Abel. In five books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner. The twelfth edition embellished with an elegant engraving to each book.}, publisher={Joseph Collyer [White Lion Row] \& }, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_2361 author={Talbot,Catherine}, year={1780}, title={The works of the late Mrs. Catharine Talbot. A new edition.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& }, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_6175 author={Deverell,Mary}, year={1781}, title={Miscellanies in prose and verse, mostly written in the epistolary style: chiefly upon moral subjects, and particularly calculated for the improvement of younger minds. By Mrs. M. Deverell, Gloucestershire. ...}, publisher={}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_6175 author={Deverell,Mary}, year={1781}, title={Miscellanies in prose and verse, mostly written in the epistolary style: chiefly upon moral subjects, and particularly calculated for the improvement of younger minds. By Mrs. M. Deverell, Gloucestershire. ...}, publisher={}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_12176 author={Croxall,Samuel}, year={1782}, title={Fables of Aesop and Others: Translated into English. With instructive applications; and a print before each fable. By Samuel Croxall, D.D. Late Archdeacon of Hereford. The twelfth edition, carefully revised, and improved.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Stanley Crowder \& George Robinson [ii] \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& Joseph Johnson \& Charles Dilly \& Robert Baldwin I \& Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& John Bew [Paternoster Row] \& Thomas Caslon \& William Strahan \& Elizabeth Newbery \& Thomas Longman II \& William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] \& William Ginger [1767-1792, 1805-1830] \& Benjamin Collins}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_3606 author={Rowe,Elizabeth Singer}, year={1783}, title={Friendship in death: in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse. In three parts. By Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. To which is prefixed, an account of the life of the author.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& George Robinson [ii] \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& Joseph Johnson \& Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& John Nichols [Fleet Street] \& John Bew [Paternoster Row] \& William Strahan \& Thomas Longman II \& William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_15183 author={Johnson,Samuel}, year={1783}, title={The lives of the most eminent English poets; with critical observations on their works. By Samuel Johnson. In four volumes. ...}, publisher={Charles Bathurst [26 Fleet Street] \& James Buckland [57 Paternoster] \& William Strahan \& John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Thomas Davies [Russell Street] \& Thomas Payne I \& Lockyer Davis [High Holborn] \& William Owen \& Benjamin White \& Stanley Crowder \& Thomas Caslon \& Thomas Longman II \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& Charles Dilly \& James Dodsley \& John Wilkie \& James Robson \& Joseph Johnson \& Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& George Robinson [ii] \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& James Nichols \& Elizabeth Newbery \& T. Evans [Bristol] \& Peter Elmsley [Strand] \& Robert Baldwin I \& George Nicholson [Ludlow] \& John Bew [Clifford's Inn] \& Joseph Bowen [New Bond Street]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_14901 author={Lockman,John}, year={1784}, title={A new history of England, by question and answer, extracted from the most celebrated English historians, particularly M. de Rapin Thoyras, ... By the author of the Roman history by question and answer.}, publisher={James Buckland [57 Paternoster] \& John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& William Strahan \& Thomas Longman II \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& Elizabeth Newbery}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_4437 author={Glasse,Hannah}, year={1784}, title={The art of cookery, made plain and easy; which far exceeds any thing of the kind yet published. ... To which are added, one hundred and fifty new and useful receipts. And also 50 receipts for different articles of perfumery. By Mrs. Glasse. A new edition. With all the modern improvements: And also the order of a bill of fare, for each month, in the manner the dishes are to be placed upon the table, in the present taste.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& George Robinson [ii] \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row] \& Joseph Johnson \& William Nicoll \& Andrew Strahan [1788-1806, 1817-1831] \& Robert Baldwin I \& Thomas Payne and Son \& Thomas and William Lowndes \& John Bew [Paternoster Row] \& James Robson \& William Owen \& Elizabeth Newbery \& Thomas Longman II \& William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] \& George and Thomas Wilkie \& John Sewell [Royal Exchange] \& Benjamin White and Son \& William Fox \& David Ogilvy \& Lockyer Davis [High Holborn] \& William and Charles Domville \& John Knox [London]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_15188 author={Shakespeare,William}, year={1785}, title={The plays of William Shakspeare. In ten volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators; to which are added notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. The third edition, revised and augmented by the editor of Dodsley's collection of old plays.}, publisher={Charles Bathurst [Cross Keys] \& John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Thomas Payne and Son \& Lockyer Davis [High Holborn] \& William Owen \& Benjamin White and Son \& Thomas Longman II \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& Thomas Bowles \& Joseph Johnson \& Charles Dilly \& James Robson \& George, George, John and James Robinson \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& Henry Gardner \& J. Nichols [Unknown] \& John Bew [Paternoster Row] \& William Stuart \& Robert Baldwin I \& John Murray I [Fleet Street] \& Alexander Strahan [Printers St] \& Thomas Vernor [Birchin Lane] \& James Barker \& William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& Samuel Hayes \& George and Thomas Wilkie \& James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker \& Thomas and John Egerton \& William Fox \& Elizabeth Newbery}, }
@book{ wphp_5566 author={Unknown,}, year={1786}, title={Advice from a lady of quality, to her children; in the last stage of a lingering illness. Translated from the French, by S. Glasse, D. D. F. R. S. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. The fourth edition.}, publisher={}, }
@book{ wphp_12059 author={Boreman,Thomas}, year={1786}, title={A Description of Three Hundred Animals, viz. Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Serpents, and Insects, with a Particular Account of the Manner of their Catching Whales in Greenland. Extracted from the best Authors, and adapted to the use of all capacities. Illustrated with copper-plates, whereon is curiously engraven every beast, bird, fish, serpent, and insect, described in the whole book. A new edition, carefully corrected and amended.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Robert Baldwin I \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& Thomas Carnan \& Elizabeth Newbery \& George, George, John and James Robinson}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_12058 author={Boreman,Thomas}, year={1786}, title={A Description of Three Hundred Animals, viz. Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Serpents, and Insects, with a Particular Account of the Manner of their Catching Whales in Greenland. Extracted from the Best Authors, and adapted to the use of all Capacities. Illustrated with Copper-plates, whereon it is curiously engraven every Beast, Bird, Fish, Serpent, and Insect, described in the whole book. A New Edition, carefully corrected and amended.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& George, George, John and James Robinson \& Robert Baldwin I \& Thomas Carnan \& Elizabeth Newbery \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_12177 author={Croxall,Samuel}, year={1786}, title={Fables of Aesop and Others: Translated into English. With instructive applications; and a print before each fable. By Samuel Croxall, D.D. Late Archdeacon of Hereford. The thirteenth edition, carefully revised, and improved.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker \& Joseph Johnson \& Charles Dilly \& Andrew Strahan [1788-1806, 1817-1831] \& Robert Baldwin I \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& John Bew [Paternoster Row] \& George, George, John and James Robinson \& Elizabeth Newbery \& Thomas Longman II \& William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] \& William Ginger [1767-1792, 1805-1830] \& Benjamin Charles Collins \& William Bent [34 Paternoster]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_15134 author={Unknown,}, year={1786}, title={The lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq.}, publisher={Elizabeth Newbery \& Charles Bathurst [26 Fleet Street] \& James Buckland [57 Paternoster] \& John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& William Owen \& Richard Horsfield \& Benjamin and John White \& Thomas Longman II \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& J. Nichols [Unknown] \& William Fox \& George, George, John and James Robinson \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& Charles Dilly}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_13141 author={Lockman,John}, year={1787}, title={A New History of England, by Question and Answer, Extracted from the Most Celebrated English Historians, particularly M. Rapin de Thoyras, For the Instruction and Entertainment of our Youth of Both Sexes. By the author of the Roman History by Question and Answer. The Twenty-First Edition corrected, and brought down to the present time. Adorned with Thirty-two Copper-Plates, representing the most remarkable Occurrences, and the Heads of all the Kings and Queens.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& George Robinson [ii] \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker \& Charles Dilly \& Robert Baldwin I \& Thomas Carnan \& Elizabeth Newbery \& Thomas Longman II \& William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] \& George and Thomas Wilkie \& James Buckland [57 Paternoster] \& Alexander Strahan [Printers St]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_14989 author={Hawkins,John}, year={1787}, title={The life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt.}, publisher={James Buckland [57 Paternoster] \& John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Thomas Payne and Son \& Lockyer Davis [Gray's Inn Gate] \& Benjamin White and Son \& Thomas Longman II \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& James Dodsley \& Henry Baldwin [Fleet Street] \& James Robson \& Joseph Johnson \& Charles Dilly \& Thomas Vernor [Birchin Lane] \& William Nicol \& George, George, John and James Robinson \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& Thomas Carnan \& J. Nichols [Unknown] \& John Bew [Paternoster Row] \& Robert Baldwin I \& Nathaniel Conant [Fleet Street] \& William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] \& Robert Faulder \& William Lowndes [76 Fleet Street] \& Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row] \& William Bent [34 Paternoster] \& Samuel Hayes \& George and Thomas Wilkie \& Thomas and John Egerton \& William Fox \& Benjamin Collins \& Elizabeth Newbery}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_15704 author={Sturm,Cristoph Christian}, year={1788}, title={Reflections on the Works of God, and of His Providence throughout All Nature, for every day in the year. Translated first from the German of Mr. C. C. Sturm, into French; and now from the French into English. By a lady. In three volumes.}, publisher={N. R. Cheyne \& }, address={Edinburgh}, }
@book{ wphp_12178 author={Croxall,Samuel}, year={1788}, title={Fables of Aesop and Others: Translated into English. With instructive applications; and a print before each fable. By Samuel Croxall, D.D. Late Archdeacon of Hereford. The fourteenth edition, carefully revised, and improved.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker \& Joseph Johnson \& Robert Baldwin I \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& John Bew [Paternoster Row] \& George, George, John and James Robinson \& Charles Stalker [Stationer's Court] \& Elizabeth Newbery \& Thomas Longman II \& William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] \& William Bent [34 Paternoster]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_2369 author={Talbot,Catherine}, year={1788}, title={Reflections on the seven days of the week. By a lady. A New Edition.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_13679 author={}, year={1788}, title={The Adventurer.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& James Dodsley \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& Thomas Longman II \& William Nicoll \& Robert Baldwin I \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& James Robson and Co. \& William Flexney [319 Holborn] \& George, George, John and James Robinson \& John Murray I [Fleet Street] \& Elizabeth Newbery \& William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] \& George and Thomas Wilkie \& Samuel Hayes \& William Fox \& Lockyer Davis [High Holborn] \& }, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_4450 author={Glasse,Hannah}, year={1788}, title={The art of cookery, made plain and easy; which far exceeds any thing of the kind yet published. Containing, I. How to Roast and Boil to Persection every Thing necessary to be sent up to Table. II. Of Made Dishes. III. How expensive a French Cook's Sauce is. IV. To make a Number of pretty little Dishes for a Supper or Side-Dish, and little Corner-Dishes for a great Table. V. To dresh Fish. VI. Of Soups and Broths. Vii. Of Puddings. Viii. Of Pics. IX. For a Lent Dinner; a Number of good Dishes, which may be made use of at any other Time. X. Directions to prepare proper Food for the Sick. XI. For Captains of Ships; how to make all useful Dishes for a Voyage; and setting out a Table on board. XII. Of Hog's Puddings, Sausages, &c. XIII. To pot and make Hams, &c. XIV. Of Dickling. XV. Of making Cakes, &c. XVI. Of Cheesecakes, Creams, Jellies, Whipt Syllabubs, &c. XVII. Of Made Wines, Brewing, French Bread, Muslins, &c. XVIII. Jarring Cherries and Preserves, &c. XIX. To make Anchovies, Vermicelli, Catchup, Vinegar, and to keep Artichokes, French Beans, &c. XX. Of Distilling. XXI. How to market; the Season of the Year for Butcher's Meat, Poultry, Fish, Herbs, Roots, and Fruit. XXII. A certain Cure for the Bite of a Mad Dog, by Dr. Mead. XXIII. A Receipt to keep clear from Bugs. To which are added, one hundred and fifty new and useful receipts. And also fifty receipts for different articles of perfumery. With a copious index. By Mrs. Glasse. A new edition, with all the modern improvements: and also the order of a bill of fare for each month, in the manner the dishes are to be placed upon the table, in the present taste.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& Joseph Johnson \& William Nicoll \& Robert Baldwin I \& Henry Gardner \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& Thomas Payne and Son \& William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& John Bew [Paternoster Row] \& George, George, John and James Robinson \& Charles Stalker [Stationer's Court] \& John Debrett [178 Piccadilly] \& Thomas Vernor [Birchin Lane] \& Elizabeth Newbery \& Thomas Longman II \& William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] \& George and Thomas Wilkie \& John Sewell [Cornhill] \& Benjamin White and Son \& James Robson and W. Clarke \& Samuel Hayes \& William Fox \& David Ogilvy \& Lockyer Davis [High Holborn] \& John Knox [London]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_7366 author={Trimmer,Sarah}, year={1789}, title={A comment on Dr. Watts's Divine songs for children, with questions; designed to illustrate the doctrines and precepts to which they refer; and induce a proper application of them as instruments of early piety. By Mrs. Trimmer.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Charles Dilly \& Thomas Longman II \& Thomas Field \& James Buckland [57 Paternoster]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_3200 author={Carter,Elizabeth}, year={1789}, title={Poems on several occasions. The fourth edition.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_7504 author={Fielding,Sarah}, year={1789}, title={The governess; or, the little female academy. Calculated for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. By the author of David Simple. The seventh edition. Revised and corrected.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& Thomas Longman II \& Samuel Bladon [13 Paternoster Row]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_12751 author={Lockman,John}, year={1790}, title={A New History of England, by Question and Answer, Extracted from the Most Celebrated English Historians, particularly M. Rapin de Thoyras, by the author of the Roman History by Question and Answer. The twenty-second edition, corrected, and brought down to the present time.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker \& Charles Dilly \& Andrew Strahan [1788-1806, 1817-1831] \& Robert Baldwin I \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& George, George, John and James Robinson \& Elizabeth Newbery \& Thomas Longman II \& William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] \& George and Thomas Wilkie \& Francis Power}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_15195 author={Shakespeare,William}, year={1790}, title={The plays and poems of William Shakspeare, in ten volumes; collated verbatim with the most authentick copies, and revised: with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators; to which are added, an essay on the chronological order of his plays; an essay relative to Shakspeare and Jonson; a dissertation ON The Three Parts Of King Henry VI.; an historical account Of The English Stage; And Notes; by Edmond Malone.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& Lockyer Davis [High Holborn] \& Benjamin White and Son \& Thomas Longman II \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& Henry Sampson Woodfall \& Charles Dilly \& James Robson \& Joseph Johnson \& Thomas Vernor [Birchin Lane] \& George, George, John and James Robinson \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& John Murray [25 Prince's Street] \& Robert Baldwin I \& Henry Lasher Gardner \& John Sewell [Royal Exchange] \& J. Nichols [Unknown] \& John Bew [Paternoster Row] \& Thomas Payne II \& Samuel Hayes \& Robert Faulder \& William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& George and Thomas Wilkie \& James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker \& Thomas and John Egerton \& Charles Stalker [Stationer's Court] \& James Barker \& James Edwards \& David Ogilvy and J. Speare \& John Cuthell [24 Middle Row] \& James Lackington [46 Chiswell Street] \& Elizabeth Newbery}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_5234 author={Unknown,[Woman]}, year={1791}, title={A new history of the Holy Bible. By a lady.}, publisher={}, address={Ipswich}, }
@book{ wphp_12060 author={Boreman,Thomas}, year={1791}, title={A Description of Three Hundred Animals, viz. Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Serpents, and Insects, with a Particular Account of the Manner of their Catching Whales in Greenland. Illustrated with copper-plates. New edition.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker \& Robert Baldwin I \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& George, George, John and James Robinson \& Elizabeth Newbery \& George and Thomas Wilkie \& F. Power & Co. \& Samuel Bladon [13 Paternoster Row]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_13680 author={}, year={1795}, title={The Adventurer.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& James Dodsley \& Thomas Cadell [London] \& Thomas Norton Longman III \& William Nicoll \& Robert Baldwin I \& Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] \& William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] \& James Robson and Co. \& William Flexney [319 Holborn] \& George, George, John and James Robinson \& Elizabeth Newbery \& William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] \& George and Thomas Wilkie \& Samuel Hayes \& William Fox \& Lockyer Davis [High Holborn] \& John Murray II [Fleet Street]}, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_13861 author={Talbot,Catherine}, year={1809}, title={The works of the late Mrs. Catharine [sic] Talbot. The seventh edition. First published by the late Mrs. Elizabeth Carter; and now republished with some few additional papers: together with notes and illustrations, and some account of her life, by the Rev. Montagu Pennington, A. M. Vicar of Northbourn in Kent; Executor to Mrs Carter.}, publisher={John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] \& }, address={London}, }
@book{ wphp_13684 author={Medley,Sarah}, year={1813}, title={The Beauties of Leamington Priors and Its Environs; to Which Is Added a Series of Remarkable and Well-Authenticated Cures Performed by the Celebrated Waters of Its Spa; Rules of the Charity, Distance of Rides, &c. &c. With Plate. By Sarah Medley, Author of Original Poems Sacred and Miscellaneous, &c. &c.}, publisher={Ebenezer Heathcote [Saltisford] \& }, address={Warwick}, }