Titles by Thomas Burnham in APA format
There are 4 titles associated with this firm.
, J.E.
The nature and necessity of the new creature in christ, stated and described according to heart's experience and true practice. by joanna eleonora de merlau. translated from the german by francis okely, a. b. formerly of st. john's college in cambridge.
, .
The northamptonshire female dreamer; or the wonderful revelations of east-hadon, and ravingthorp: by an angel. second edition, by sally sly. published, price 1s. 6d. (by the author of this dream,) palemon, or the country clodhopper's 41 letters, on a variety of subjects, p. s. this dream, with the author's strictures on pedigrees and wills may be had gratis, by those who purchase the volume of letters.
John Bew [Paternoster Row] Homan Turpin.
, J.
Miscellaneous poems, and a tragedy. by mrs. west.