There are 11 titles associated with this firm.

@book{ wphp_21869
  title={An history of marine architecture. Including an enlarged and progressive view of the nautical regulations and naval history, both civil and military, of all nations, especially of Great Britain; derived chiefly from original manuscripts, as well in private collections as in the great public repositories: and deduced from the earliest period to the present time. In three volumes. Vol. I. By John Charnock, Esq. F.S.A.},
  publisher={Robert Faulder \& George, George, and John Robinson \& Alexander and James Black and Parry \& Thomas Egerton [32 Charing Cross] \& George Nicol [Pall Mall] \& Charles Law \& John Sewell [Cornhill] \& John White [Fleet Street] \& William, James and John Richardson \& Leigh and Sotheby \& Thomas Cadell and William Davies \& William Otridge and Son \& John Alderman and Josiah Boydell \& Francis and Charles Rivington \& Thomas Payne II \& William Heather and Co. \& Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees \& James Wallis [46 Paternoster Row] \& Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row] \& John Debrett [179 Piccadilly] \& John Wright [169 Piccadilly] \& John and Arthur Arch [Gracechurch Street] \& Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] \& Jordan Hookham [100 New Bond Street] \& James Carpenter and Co. \& Joseph Bell \& Crosby and Letterman \& John Bunney and Joyce Gold \& William Darton and Joseph Harvey [Gracechurch] \& David Steel \& John Hardy and Sons \& Lackington, Allen and Co. \& Edmund Lloyd [24 Harley Street] \& S. Deighton \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_5284
  title={Selina, a novel, founded on facts. By a lady. In three volumes.},
  publisher={Charles Law \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_21870
  title={An history of marine architecture. Including an enlarged and progressive view of the nautical regulations and naval history, both civil and military, of all nations, especially of Great Britain; derived chiefly from original manuscripts, as well in private collections as in the great public repositories: and deduced from the earliest period to the present time. In three volumes. Vol. II. By John Charnock, Esq. F.S.A.},
  publisher={Robert Faulder \& George, George, and John Robinson \& Alexander and James Black and Parry \& Thomas Egerton [32 Charing Cross] \& George Nicol [Pall Mall] \& Charles Law \& John Sewell [Cornhill] \& John White [Fleet Street] \& William, James and John Richardson \& Leigh and Sotheby \& Thomas Cadell and William Davies \& William Otridge and Son \& John Alderman and Josiah Boydell \& Francis and Charles Rivington \& Thomas Payne II \& William Heather and Co. \& Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees \& James Wallis [46 Paternoster Row] \& Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row] \& John Debrett [179 Piccadilly] \& John Wright [169 Piccadilly] \& John and Arthur Arch [Gracechurch Street] \& Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] \& Jordan Hookham [100 New Bond Street] \& James Carpenter and Co. \& Joseph Bell \& Crosby and Letterman \& John Bunney and Joyce Gold \& William Darton and Joseph Harvey [Gracechurch] \& David Steel \& John Hardy and Sons \& Lackington, Allen and Co. \& Edmund Lloyd [24 Harley Street] \& S. Deighton \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_11271
  title={The accidence; or first rudiments of English grammar. Designed for the use of young ladies. By Ellin Devis. The tenth edition.},
  publisher={Charles Law \& },
  address={Clerkenwell},    }
@book{ wphp_13410
  title={The oeconomy of Charity; or, an address to ladies; adapted to the present state of charitable institutions in England: with a particular view to the cultivation o freligious principles, among the lower orders of people. By Mrs. Trimmer. In two volumes.},
  publisher={George, George, and John Robinson \& Joseph Johnson \& Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees \& Francis and Charles Rivington \& John Hatchard [173 Piccadilly] \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_21871
  title={An history of marine architecture. Including an enlarged and progressive view of the nautical regulations and naval history, both civil and military, of all nations, especially of Great Britain; derived chiefly from original manuscripts, as well in private collections as in the great public repositories: and deduced from the earliest period to the present time. In three volumes. Vol. III. By John Charnock, Esq. F.S.A.},
  publisher={Robert Faulder \& George, George, and John Robinson \& Alexander and James Black and Parry \& Thomas Egerton [32 Charing Cross] \& George Nicol [Pall Mall] \& Charles Law \& John Sewell [Cornhill] \& John White [Fleet Street] \& William, James and John Richardson \& Leigh and Sotheby \& Thomas Cadell and William Davies \& William Otridge and Son \& John Alderman and Josiah Boydell \& Francis and Charles Rivington \& Thomas Payne II \& William Heather and Co. \& Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees \& James Wallis [46 Paternoster Row] \& Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row] \& John Debrett [179 Piccadilly] \& John Wright [169 Piccadilly] \& John and Arthur Arch [Gracechurch Street] \& Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] \& Jordan Hookham [100 New Bond Street] \& James Carpenter and Co. \& Joseph Bell \& Crosby and Letterman \& John Bunney and Joyce Gold \& William Darton and Joseph Harvey [Gracechurch] \& David Steel \& John Hardy and Sons \& Lackington, Allen and Co. \& Edmund Lloyd [24 Harley Street] \& S. Deighton \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_11282
  title={The guardian of education, a periodical work; consisting of a practical essay on Christian education, founded immediately on the Scriptures, and the sacred offices of the Church of England: memoirs of modern philosophers and extracts from their writings; extracts from sermons and other books relating to religious education; and a copious examination of modern systems of education, children's books, and books for young persons; conducted by Mrs. Trimmer. Vol. II. From January to August inclusive.},
  publisher={John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_11815
  title={The Telescope; or, Moral Views for Children.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_8300
  author={Barbauld,Anna Laetitia and Aikin,John},
  title={Evenings at home; or, the juvenile budget opened. Consisting of a variety of miscellaneous pieces, for the instruction and amusement of young persons.},
  publisher={Joseph Johnson \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_461
  title={The Modern Griselda: A Tale. By Miss Edgeworth, Author Of Practical Education, Belinda, Castle Rackrent, History Of Irish Bulls, Letters For Literary Ladies, Popular Tales, &c.},
  publisher={Joseph Johnson \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_13468
  author={Aikin,John and Barbauld,Anna Laetitia},
  title={Evenings at home; or, the juvenile budget opened. Consisting of a variety of miscellaneous pieces, for the instruction and amusement of young persons. By John Aikin. M.D. and Mrs. Barbauld. In six volumes. Seventh edition.},
  publisher={Joseph Johnson \& },
  address={London},    }