ID 16
Name John Darling
Gender Unknown
Street Address 31 Leadenhall Street
City London
Start Date 1813
End Date 1849


Displaying 76–100 of 125

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer Stranger of the Valley; or, Louisa and Adelaide. An American Tale. In three volumes. By a lady. Hale , Sarah Josepha Buell (Author)
Printer The Brazen Mask. A Romance. In four volumes. By Mrs. Charlotte Putney, author of Cora, &c. Putney , Charlotte (Author)
Printer The Daughter-in-Law, Her Father, and Family. By Mrs. Hofland, Author of The Panorama of Europe; The Affectionate Brothers; The Clergyman's Widow; The Merchant's Widow; The Barbadoes Girl, &c. New Edition. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Printer The English Baronet. A Novel. In three volumes. By Leonora des Straella. des Straella , Leonora (Author)
Printer William and his Uncle Ben: a tale. Designed for the use of young people. Prepared for the press by Mrs. Hofland, author of The Merchant's Widow and Family; Clergyman's Widow and Family; The Daughter-in-Law; The Barbadoes Girl; Affectionate Brothers; Panorama of Europe; Young Northern Traveller; &c. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Printer Dissipation. A Tale of Simple Life. In four volumes. By the author of "Realities," "Correction," &c. Harding , Anne Raikes (Author)
Printer Fashionables and Unfashionables. A Novel. In three volumes. By Rosalia St. Clair, author of The Highland Castle and Lowland Cottage, The Banker's Daughters of Bristol, Son of O'Donnell, First and Last Years of Wedded Life, &C. Hall , Agnes (Author)
Printer Sidney Romelee. A Tale of New England. In three volume. By Mrs. S. J. Hale. Hale , Sarah Josepha Buell (Author)
Printer The First and Last Years of Wedded Life. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Rosalia St. Clair, author of the Highland Castle and Lowland Cottage, &c. Hall , Agnes (Author)
Printer The Ruins of Ruthvale Abbey. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Golland, (late Miss Haynes,) author of The Foundling of Devonshire, Eleanor, or The Spectre of St. Michael's, Augustus and Adeline, &c. &c. Haynes , Catherine Day (Author)
Printer The Seer of Tiviotdale. A Romance. In four volumes. By Louisa Sidney Stanhope, author of The Bandit's Bride, The Crusaders, The Festival of Mora, Runnemede, Age We Live In, Di Montrazo, Siege of Kenilworth, Confessional of Valombre, &c. Stanhope , Louisa Sidney (Author)
Printer William and his Uncle Ben. A Tale. Designed for the Use of Young People. Prepared for the Press by Mrs. Hofland. Author Of The Clergyman's Widow; Young Crusoe; Blind Farmer; Elizabeth; Barbadoes Girl; Affectionate Brothers; The Sisters; Alicia and Her Aunt; Good Grandmother; Rich Boys And Poor Boys; Stolen Boy; Panaroma Of Europe; Merchant's Widow; Young Northern Traveller; Daughter-in-law; &c. &c. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Printer Woman's Wit and Man's Wisdom; or, Intrigue. A Novel. In four volumes. By Henrietta Rouviere Mosse, author of A Father's Love and A Woman's Friendship, Bride and No Wife, Gratitude, &c. &c. Mosse , Henrietta Rouviere (Author)
Printer Experience. A Tale for All Ages. By the author of Correction, Realities, Dissipation, &c. In four volumes. Harding , Anne Raikes (Author)
Printer The Good Grandmother, and her Offspring. A Tale. By Mrs. Hofland, author of The Clergyman's widow; Merchant's Widow; The Sisters; Daughter-in-law; Young Northern Traveller; Panorama of Europe; Barbadoes Girl; Affectionate Brothers; &c. &c. Second Edition. With Additions. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Printer Eleanor Ogilvie The Maid of the Tweed. A Romantic Legend. By Rosalia St. Clair, author of The Highland Castle; Banker's Daughters; Son of O'Donnel; &c. &c. In three volumes. Hall , Agnes (Author)
Printer Evelina; or, A young lady's entrance into the world. A novel. By the author of Cecila, Camilla, and The wanderer. New Edition. Burney , Frances (Author)
Printer The affectionate brothers. A Tale. By Mrs. Hofland, author of The Merchant's Widow and Family; Clergyman's Widow and Family; Daughter-in-Law; Barbadoes Girl; Panorama of Europe; Good Grandmother; Blind Farmer; Young Crusoe; Sisters; Young Northern Traveller; &c. &c. New edition. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Printer The Stolen Boy, a Story Founded on Facts. By Mrs. Hofland, Author of The Clergyman's Widow; the Sisters; Blind Farmer Barbadoes Girl; Panorama of Europe; Young Crusoe Young Northern Traveler; Good Grandmother; Affectionate Brothers; Daughter-in-Law; Merchant's Widow; &c. &c. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Printer The Young Northern Traveller; or, the Invalid Restored. Containing a Tour Through Northern Europe, with Historical and Biographical Anecdotes. By Mrs. Hofland, Author of the Clergyman's Widow; Merchant's Widow; Blind Farmer; Barbadoes Girl; Affectionate Brothers; Sisters; Good Grandmother; Panorama or Europe; Young Crusoe; Daughter-in-Law; &c. &c. New Edition, with Additions and Alterations. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Printer William and his Uncle Ben: a tale: designed for the use of young people. Prepared for the press by Mrs. Hofland, Author of the Clergyman's Widow; Merchant's Widow; Blind Farmer; Barbadoes Girl; Affectionate Brothers; Sisters; Young Northern Traveller; Young Crusoe; Good Grandmother; Panorama of Europe; Daughter-in-law; &c. &c. New Edition. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Printer Belmont’s Daughter. A Fashionable Novel. By Miss M‘Leod, Author of Tales of Ton, (Three Series); Geraldine Murray; Principle, &C. &C. In Four Volumes. M'Leod , Miss E. H. (Author)
Printer St. James’s; Or, A Peep At Delusion. A Novel. By Eliza Best. In Two Volumes. Best , Eliza (Author)
Printer The Corsair’s Bride. A Legend of the Sixteenth Century. By Louisa Sidney Stanhope, Author of the Bandit’s Bride; Age We Live In; Di Montranzo; Runnemede; Crusaders; Montbrasil Abbey; Seer of Tiviotdale; Siege of Kenilworth, &C. &C. In Three Volumes. Stanhope , Louisa Sidney (Author)
Printer The Jewish Maiden. A Novel. By the Author of “Ambition, &c.” In Four Volumes. Lewis , Mary (Author)

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"John Darling" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 16, Accessed 2025-01-13.

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