ID 1816
Name James Mathews [Matthews]
Gender Male
Street Address No. 18 Strand
City London
Start Date 1774
End Date 1814


Displaying 26–31 of 31

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher Sheridan improved. A General Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language: For the Use of Schools, Foreigners learning English, &c. In Which It Has Been Attempted To Improve On The Plan Of Mr. Sheridan; The Discordancies of that celebrated Orthoepist being avoided, and his Improprieties corrected. The Third Edition, Revised, and Very Considerably Enlarged By Selections From Ash, Bailey, Barclay, Buchanan, Dyche, Elphinston, Entick, Fry, Johnson, Johnston, Kenrick, Lemon, Marriott, Martin, Nares, Perry, Rider, Scot, and Walker. By Stephen Jones, Author of the "New Biographical Dictionary" and "The History Of Poland," and Compiler Of "Dr. Johnson's Table-Talk, &c." Jones , Stephen (Author)
Sheridan , Thomas (Author)
Publisher Johnson's dictionary of the English language, in miniature. To which are added, an alphabetical account of the heathen deities; a list of the cities, boroughs, and market towns in England and Wales; a copious chronology; and a concise epitome of the most remarkable events during the French revolution. By the Rev. Joseph Hamilton, M.A. Thirteenth Edition. Johnson , Samuel (Author)
Hamilton , Joseph (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Bookseller The Siege of Mansoul, a Drama, in Five Acts. The Diction of Which Consists Altogether in an Accommodation of Words from Shakespeare and Other Poets. By a Lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher The lady's assistant for regulating and supplying the table; being a complete system of cookery. Containing the most select bills of fare, properly disposed, for family dinners of five dishes to two courses of eleven and fifteen ; with bills of fare for suppers, from five to nineteen dishes ; and several desserts : including the fullest and choicest receipts of various kinds, and full directions for preparing them in the most approved manner, by which a continual change may be made, as wanted, from the several bills of fare. Likewise, directions for brewing, making english wines, raspberry, orange, and lemon-brandies, &c. Also, remarks on kitchen poisons, and necessary precautions thereon. With an appendix, containing general particulars on the breeding, rearing, and management of poultry, on the business of dairy ; and on the management of the kitchen and fruit garden. Originally published from the manuscript collection of Mrs. Charlotte Mason, a professed housekeeper, who had upwards of thirty years experience in families of the first fashion. The eighth edition, enlarged, corrected, and improved to the present time. Mason , Charlotte (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Bookseller Poems by the late Mrs. Charles Mathews, author of "What has been."—"Morning's Amusements." "Lessons of Truth," &c. "Sad is my Song." Dedicated by Permission to the Right Hon. The Countess Fitzwilliam. Mathews , Eliza Kirkham (Author)
Publisher The lady's assistant for regulating and supplying the table : being a complete system of cookery : containing the most select bills of fare, properly disposed, for family dinners of five dishes to two courses of eleven and fifteen, with bills of fare for suppers, from five to nineteen dishes, and several desserts, including the fullest and choicest receipts of various kinds, and full directions for preparing them in the most approved manner, by which a continual change may be made, as wanted, from the several bills of fare : likewise directions for brewing, making English wines, raspberry, orange, and lemon-brandies, &c., also, remarks on kitchen poisons, and necessary cautions thereon : with an appendix, containing general particulars on the breeding, rearing, and management of poultry, on the business of the dairy, and on the management of the kitchen and fruit garden. Originally published from the manuscript collection of Mrs. Charlotte Mason, a professed housekeeper, who had upwards of thirty years experience in families of the first fashion. The ninth edition, enlarged, corrected, and improved to the present time. Mason , Charlotte (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)

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"James Mathews [Matthews]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 1816, Accessed 2025-03-31.

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