There are 8 titles associated with this firm.

@book{ wphp_1713
  title={The complete English cook; or, prudent housewife. Being, an entire new collection of the most general, yet least expensive receipts in every branch of cookery and good housewifery. With directions for roasting, boiling, stewing, ragoos, soups, sauces, fricaseys, pies, tarts, puddings, cheese-cakes, custards, jellies, potting, candying, collaring, pickling, preserving, made-wines, &c. Together with directions for placing dishes on tables of entertainment: and many other things equally necessary. The whole made easy to the meanest capacity, and far more useful to young beginners than any book of the kind extant. By Ann Peckham, of Leeds, who is well known to have been for forty years past one of the most noted cooks in the county of York},
  publisher={Griffith Wright \& John Binns \& },
  address={Leeds},    }
@book{ wphp_1706
  title={The Complete English Cook; or, Prudent Housewife. Being a collection of the most general, yet least expensive receipts in every branch of cookery and good housewifery, with directions for roasting, boiling, stewing, ragoos, soups, sauces, fricassees, pies, tarts, puddings, cheese-cakes, custards, jellies, potting, candying, collaring, pickling, preserving, made wines, &c. Together with Directions for placing Dishes on Tables of Entertainment: and many other Things equally necessary. Thr whole made easy to the meanest Capacity, and far more useful to young Beginners than any Book of the Kind extant. By Ann Peckham, of Leeds, well known to have been for Forty Years one of the most noted Cookes in the Country of York. The Third Edition. To which is added, A Supplement, Containing Forty-Nine Receipts, never before printed.},
  publisher={Griffith Wright \& John Binns \& },
  address={Leeds},    }
@book{ wphp_2066
  author={Fisher Slack,Ann},
  title={A practical new grammar, with exercises of bad English; or, an easy guide to speaking and writing the English language properly and correctly. Containing, I. Orthography; or True Spelling, which treats of the Sounds and Uses of the several Letters in all Positions; of the Division of Words into Syllables, and the Use of Points. II. Prosody; or the Art of Pronouncing Syllables in Words truly, with Tables of Words properly accented. III. Etymology; or the Kinds of Words, which explains the several Parts of Speech; their Derivations and different Endings; Change and Likeness to one another. IV. Syntax; or Construction, which teaches how to connect Words aright in a Sentence, or Sentences together. To which is added, a curious and useful appendix. A new edition, corrected and improved. By A. Fisher.},
  publisher={John Binns \& },
  address={Leeds},    }
@book{ wphp_3166
  title={English housewifery, exemplified in above four hundred and fifty receipts, giving directions in most parts of cookery; And how to prepare various Sorts of Soops, Made Dishes, Pastes, Pickles, Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Made Wines, &c. &c. &c. With cuts, for the orderly placing the dishes and courses; also Bills of Fare for every Month in the Year; and an Alphabetical Index to the Whole. A Book necessary for Mistresses of Families, higher and lower Women Servants, and confined to Things Useful, Substantial, and Splendid, and calculated for the Preservaion [sic] of Health, and upon the Measures of Frugality, being the Result of Thirty Years Practice and Experience. By Elizabeth Moxon. With an appendix, Containing upwards of Eighty Receipts, of the most valuable Kind, (many never before printed) communicated to the Publisher by several Gentlewomen in the Neighbourhood, distinguished by their extraordinary Skill in Housewifery. —To this Edition is now added, An Introduction, giving an Account of the Times when river fish are in season; and a table, shewing at one view the proper seasons for sea fish. Thirteenth Edition, Corrected.},
  publisher={Wilson, Spence and Mawman [High Ousegate] \& John Binns \& William Fawdington \& },
  address={Leeds},    }
@book{ wphp_1710
  title={The complete English cook; or, prudent housewife. ... By Ann Peckham, ... The fourth edition. To which is added, a supplement,...},
  publisher={Wilson, Spence and Mawman [High Ousegate] \& Thomas Wright \& John Binns \& William Fawdington},
  address={Leeds},    }
@book{ wphp_5807
  title={Poems on several occasions. By Maria Logan. Second edition.},
  address={York},    }
@book{ wphp_15600
  title={An account of two Charity Schools for the Education of Girls: and of a Female Friendly Society in York: interspersed with reflections on Charity Schools and Friendly Societies in general. By Catharine Cappe.},
  address={York},    }
@book{ wphp_24812
  title={The Profitable Planter. A Treatise on the Cultivation of Larch and Scotch Fir Timber: Showing that their Excellent Quality (Especially that of the former) Will Render them so Extensively Useful, as Greatly to Promote the Interests of the Country. With Directions for Planting in Various Soils and Situations, By a New and Expeditious Method, also, for the Management of Plantations. To which are added. Useful hints, in regard to Shelter and Ornament. By W. Pontey. Nurseryman and Planter.},
  address={Huddersfield},    }