There are 15 titles associated with this firm.

Godwin, William. Antonio: a tragedy in five acts. By William Godwin. London: George, George, and John Robinson, 1800.
Hunter, Rachel. Letitia; or, The Castle Without a Spectre. Mrs Hunter of Norwich. In Four Volumes. London: William Tooke Robberds, 1801.
Robinson, Mary. Memoirs of the Late Mrs. Robinson, written by Herself, with some Posthumous Pieces. In four volumes. London: Richard Phillips [St. Paul's Churchyard], 1801.
Opie, Amelia. Poems by Mrs. Opie. London: Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees, 1802.
de Staël von Holstein, Anne L. G. Delphine: A Novel. By Madame de Stael-Holstein. Translated from the French. In Three Volumes. London: George and John Robinson, 1803.
Opie, Amelia. Poems by Mrs. Opie. The Second Edition. London: Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees, 1803.