Titles by Robert Harding Evans [26 Pall Mall] in MLA format
There are 3 titles associated with this firm.
Jones, Sir William.
The Works of Sir William Jones. In six volumes.
George, George, and John Robinson,
Robert Harding Evans [26 Pall Mall],
Delille, Jacques.
The Gardens, a Poem. Translated from the French of the Abbé de Lille. By Mrs. Montolieu. The second edition.
James Robson,
Edward Kerby,
John White [Fleet Street],
Robert Harding Evans [26 Pall Mall],
Taylor, Ann Martin, et al.
Essays on Song-Writing: with a collection of such english songs as are most eminent for Poetical Merit. By John Aikin. A new edition, with additions and corrections, and a supplement, by R. H. Evans.
Robert Harding Evans [26 Pall Mall],