Titles by Gabriel Harris in MLA format
There are 5 titles associated with this firm.
Whitefield, George.
A Collection of papers, lately printed in the daily advertiser. Containing, I. A letter from the Rev. Mr. Whitefield to a friend in London, dated at New-Brunswick in New-Jersey, April 27, 1740. II. A letter from the Rev. Mr. Whitefield, to the inhabitants of Maryland, Virginia, North and South-Carolina. III. A letter from the Rev. Mr. Whitefield to a friend in London; shewing the fundamental error of a book called The Whole Duty of Man. IV. A letter from the Rev. Mr. Whitefield, at Georgia, to a friend in London, wherein he vindicates his asserting, that Archbishop Tillotson knew no more of true Christianity than Mahomet. V. A second letter on the same subject. VI. Some observations on the Rev. Mr. Whitefield and his opposers. VII. The manner of the childrens spending their time at the Orphan-House in Georgia.
Seward, William.
Journal of a voyage from Savannah to Philadelphia, and from Philadelphia to England, M, DCC.XL. By William Seward, Gent. Companion in Travel with the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield.
Deverell, Mary.
Sermons on the following subjects, viz. I. Friendship. II. Gratitude to God. III. Mercy. IV. Pride. V. Sinful Anger. VI. The Advantages of Early Piety. Vii. The unsearchableness of God's ways, and the Benefits of Afflictive Providence. By Mary Deverell.