There are 14 titles associated with this firm.

Unknown, [Woman]. The history of Miss Indiana Danby: a novel. In four volumes. By a lady. ... London: William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], 1785.
Shakespeare, William. The plays of William Shakspeare. In ten volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators; to which are added notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. The third edition, revised and augmented by the editor of Dodsley's collection of old plays. Charles Bathurst [Cross Keys], John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington], Thomas Payne and Son, Lockyer Davis [High Holborn], William Owen, Benjamin White and Son, Thomas Longman II, Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795], Thomas Bowles, Joseph Johnson, Charles Dilly, James Robson, George, George, John and James Robinson, Thomas Cadell [London], Henry Gardner, J. Nichols [Unknown], John Bew [Paternoster Row], William Stuart, Robert Baldwin I, John Murray I [Fleet Street], Alexander Strahan [Printers St], Thomas Vernor [Birchin Lane], James Barker, William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], Samuel Hayes, George and Thomas Wilkie, James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker, Thomas and John Egerton, William Fox, Elizabeth Newbery, 1785.
Croxall, Samuel. Fables of Aesop and Others: Translated into English. With instructive applications; and a print before each fable. By Samuel Croxall, D.D. Late Archdeacon of Hereford. The thirteenth edition, carefully revised, and improved. London: John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington], Thomas Cadell [London], James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker, Joseph Johnson, Charles Dilly, Andrew Strahan [1788-1806, 1817-1831], Robert Baldwin I, Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795], William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], John Bew [Paternoster Row], George, George, John and James Robinson, Elizabeth Newbery, Thomas Longman II, William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row], William Ginger [1767-1792, 1805-1830], Benjamin Charles Collins, William Bent [34 Paternoster], 1786.
Centlivre, Susanna. The wonder! A woman keeps a secret. A comedy, written by Mrs. Centlivre. ... London: William Nicoll, William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], Samuel Bladon [13 Paternoster Row], 1787.
Croxall, Samuel. Fables of Aesop and Others: Translated into English. With instructive applications; and a print before each fable. By Samuel Croxall, D.D. Late Archdeacon of Hereford. The fourteenth edition, carefully revised, and improved. London: John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington], Thomas Cadell [London], James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker, Joseph Johnson, Robert Baldwin I, Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795], William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], John Bew [Paternoster Row], George, George, John and James Robinson, Charles Stalker [Stationer's Court], Elizabeth Newbery, Thomas Longman II, William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row], William Bent [34 Paternoster], 1788.
The Adventurer. London: John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington], James Dodsley, Thomas Cadell [London], Thomas Longman II, William Nicoll, Robert Baldwin I, Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795], William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], James Robson and Co., William Flexney [319 Holborn], George, George, John and James Robinson, John Murray I [Fleet Street], Elizabeth Newbery, William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row], George and Thomas Wilkie, Samuel Hayes, William Fox, Lockyer Davis [High Holborn], 1788.
Glasse, Hannah. The art of cookery, made plain and easy; which far exceeds any thing of the kind yet published. Containing, I. How to Roast and Boil to Persection every Thing necessary to be sent up to Table. II. Of Made Dishes. III. How expensive a French Cook's Sauce is. IV. To make a Number of pretty little Dishes for a Supper or Side-Dish, and little Corner-Dishes for a great Table. V. To dresh Fish. VI. Of Soups and Broths. Vii. Of Puddings. Viii. Of Pics. IX. For a Lent Dinner; a Number of good Dishes, which may be made use of at any other Time. X. Directions to prepare proper Food for the Sick. XI. For Captains of Ships; how to make all useful Dishes for a Voyage; and setting out a Table on board. XII. Of Hog's Puddings, Sausages, &c. XIII. To pot and make Hams, &c. XIV. Of Dickling. XV. Of making Cakes, &c. XVI. Of Cheesecakes, Creams, Jellies, Whipt Syllabubs, &c. XVII. Of Made Wines, Brewing, French Bread, Muslins, &c. XVIII. Jarring Cherries and Preserves, &c. XIX. To make Anchovies, Vermicelli, Catchup, Vinegar, and to keep Artichokes, French Beans, &c. XX. Of Distilling. XXI. How to market; the Season of the Year for Butcher's Meat, Poultry, Fish, Herbs, Roots, and Fruit. XXII. A certain Cure for the Bite of a Mad Dog, by Dr. Mead. XXIII. A Receipt to keep clear from Bugs. To which are added, one hundred and fifty new and useful receipts. And also fifty receipts for different articles of perfumery. With a copious index. By Mrs. Glasse. A new edition, with all the modern improvements: and also the order of a bill of fare for each month, in the manner the dishes are to be placed upon the table, in the present taste. London: John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington], Thomas Cadell [London], Joseph Johnson, William Nicoll, Robert Baldwin I, Henry Gardner, Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795], Thomas Payne and Son, William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], John Bew [Paternoster Row], George, George, John and James Robinson, Charles Stalker [Stationer's Court], John Debrett [178 Piccadilly], Thomas Vernor [Birchin Lane], Elizabeth Newbery, Thomas Longman II, William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row], George and Thomas Wilkie, John Sewell [Cornhill], Benjamin White and Son, James Robson and W. Clarke, Samuel Hayes, William Fox, David Ogilvy, Lockyer Davis [High Holborn], John Knox [London], 1788.
Centlivre, Susanna. A bold stroke for a wife, a comedy, written by Mrs. Centlivre. Marked with the variations in the manager's books, at the Theatres-Royal. London: James Barker [Great Russell Street], William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], 1790.
Lockman, John. A New History of England, by Question and Answer, Extracted from the Most Celebrated English Historians, particularly M. Rapin de Thoyras, by the author of the Roman History by Question and Answer. The twenty-second edition, corrected, and brought down to the present time. London: John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington], Thomas Cadell [London], James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker, Charles Dilly, Andrew Strahan [1788-1806, 1817-1831], Robert Baldwin I, Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795], William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], George, George, John and James Robinson, Elizabeth Newbery, Thomas Longman II, William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row], George and Thomas Wilkie, Francis Power, 1790.
Shakespeare, William. The plays and poems of William Shakspeare, in ten volumes; collated verbatim with the most authentick copies, and revised: with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators; to which are added, an essay on the chronological order of his plays; an essay relative to Shakspeare and Jonson; a dissertation ON The Three Parts Of King Henry VI.; an historical account Of The English Stage; And Notes; by Edmond Malone. London: John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington], Lockyer Davis [High Holborn], Benjamin White and Son, Thomas Longman II, Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795], Henry Sampson Woodfall, Charles Dilly, James Robson, Joseph Johnson, Thomas Vernor [Birchin Lane], George, George, John and James Robinson, Thomas Cadell [London], John Murray [25 Prince's Street], Robert Baldwin I, Henry Lasher Gardner, John Sewell [Royal Exchange], J. Nichols [Unknown], John Bew [Paternoster Row], Thomas Payne II, Samuel Hayes, Robert Faulder, William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], George and Thomas Wilkie, James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker, Thomas and John Egerton, Charles Stalker [Stationer's Court], James Barker, James Edwards, David Ogilvy and J. Speare, John Cuthell [24 Middle Row], James Lackington [46 Chiswell Street], Elizabeth Newbery, 1790.
Nelson, Robert. A Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England: with Collects and Prayers for each Solemnity. By Robert Nelson, Esq. The Twenty-Sixth Edition. London: Thomas Longman II, Francis, Charles and John Rivington, Elizabeth Newbery, George, George, John and James Robinson, Robert Baldwin I, William Stuart, William Flexney [319 Holborn], Thomas Evans [46 Paternoster Row], Stanley Crowder, Bedwell Law and Son, Sir Charles Corbett, John Nichols [Fleet Street], Robert Faulder, William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], George and Thomas Wilkie, Henry Gardner, John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825], James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker, Richard Ryan [351 Oxford Street], 1791.
Burney, Frances. Evelina or the history of a young lady's entrance into the world A new edition In two volumes ... London: William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], 1791.
Johnson, Samuel. The lives of the most eminent English poets. With critical observations on their works. By Samuel Johnson. A new edition, corrected. In four volumes. A New Edition, Corrected. Thomas Norton Longman III, Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795], Henry Baldwin [Union Street], Henry Baldwin [Fleet Street], Joseph Johnson, Charles Dilly, George, George, and John Robinson, Thomas Cadell [London], John Nichols [Fleet Street], Robert Baldwin I, Henry Gardner, Thomas Payne II, Francis and Charles Rivington, William Otridge, John Sewell [Cornhill], William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row], William Richardson [Cornhill], Robert Faulder, Leigh and Sotheby, George Nicol [Pall Mall], William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], William Bent [55 Paternoster], Samuel Hayes, George and Thomas Wilkie, C. Davis, William Nicoll, James Mathews [Matthews], William Fox, James Edwards, David Ogilvy and J. Speare, James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker, James Evans, Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Birchin Lane], Clarke and Son, Elizabeth Newbery, 1794.
The Adventurer. London: John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington], James Dodsley, Thomas Cadell [London], Thomas Norton Longman III, William Nicoll, Robert Baldwin I, Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795], William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], James Robson and Co., William Flexney [319 Holborn], George, George, John and James Robinson, Elizabeth Newbery, William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row], George and Thomas Wilkie, Samuel Hayes, William Fox, Lockyer Davis [High Holborn], John Murray II [Fleet Street], 1795.