There are 11 titles associated with this firm.

Owenson, Sydney. The wild Irish girl, a national tale. By Miss Owenson, author of the Novice of St. Dominick, &c. &c. New York City: Alsop, Brannan and Alsop, Matthias Ward, Campbell and Mitchell, Ezra Sargeant, T. and J. Swords, Evert Duyckinck [110 Pearl Street], Samuel A. Burtus, Benjamin Crane, Joseph Osborn, David Longworth, Margaret Harrisson, Peter A. Mesier, Stephen Gould, 1807.
Owenson, Sydney. The lay of an Irish harp; or Metrical fragments. By Miss Owenson. New York: Ezra Sargeant, David Longworth, George Jansen, Alsop, Brannan and Alsop, Matthias Ward, Evert Duyckinck [110 Pearl Street], Joseph Osborn, T. and J. Swords, Campbell and Mitchell, Margaret Harrisson, Samuel A. Burtus, Benjamin Crane, 1808.
More, Hannah. Christian morals. By Hannah More. First American from the Fourth London Edition. New York: Eastburn, Kirk and Co., Bradford and Read (Boston), 1813.