There are 31 titles associated with this firm.

@book{ wphp_15645
  title={A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. By a Lover of her Sex.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin},
  address={England},    }
@book{ wphp_15644
  title={A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. By a Lover of her Sex. The Second Edition Corrected.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15641
  title={A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. By a Lover of her Sex. The Second Edition.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15659
  author={Astell,Mary and Norris,John},
  title={Letters concerning the love of God, between the author of the Proposal to the Ladies and Mr. John Norris: Wherein his late discourse, shewing, that it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other loves, is further cleared and justified. Published by J. Norris, M.A. Rector of Bemerton near Sarum.},
  publisher={Samuel Manship \& Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15642
  title={A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. Part I. By a Lover of her Sex. The Third Edition Corrected.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15643
  title={A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. In Two Parts. By a Lover of Her Sex.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_23254
  title={A serious proposal to the ladies, for the advancement of their true and greatest interest. In two parts. By a lover of her sex.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15640
  title={A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. In Two Parts. By a Lover of her Sex. The Fourth Edition.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22221
  title={A serious proposal to the ladies, for the advancement of their true and greatest interest. Part I. By a lover of her sex.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22078
  title={Some reflections upon marriage.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin},
@book{ wphp_15646
  title={Some Reflections upon Marriage. The Second Edition.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15770
  title={A Fair Way with the Dissenters and their Patrons. Not Writ by Mr. L—y, or any other furious Jacobite, whether Clergyman or Layman; but by a very Moderate Person and Dutiful Subject to the Queen.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15771
  title={An Impartial Enquiry into the Causes of Rebellion and Civil War in this Kingdom: In an Examination of Dr. Kennett's Sermon, Jan. 31. 1703/4. And Vindication of the Royal Martyr.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22995
  title={An impartial enquiry into the causes of rebellion and civil war in this kingdom: In an examination of Dr. Kennett's sermon, Jan. 31. 1703/4. And Vindication of the Royal Martyr.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22267
  title={Moderation truly stated: or, a review of a late pamphlet, entitul'd, Moderation a vertue, or, the occasional conformist justify'd from the imputation of hypocricy. Wherein this justification is further consider'd, and as far as it is capable, justify'd.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15655
  title={Moderation truly stated: or, a review of a late pamphlet, entitul'd, moderation a vertue. With a prefatory discourse to Dr. D'Avenant, concerning his late essays on peace and war.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_23893
  author={Astell,Mary and Norris,John},
  title={Letters concerning the love of God, between the author of The proposal to the ladies and Mr. John Norris: Wherein his late Discourse, shewing, That it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other Loves, is further Cleared and Justified. Published by J. Norris, M. A. Rector of Bemerton near Sarum. The second edition, corrected by the authors, with some few things added.},
  publisher={Samuel Manship \& Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15658
  author={Astell,Mary and Norris,John},
  title={Letters concerning the love of God, between the author of the Proposal to the Ladies and Mr. John Norris: Wherein his late discourse, shewing, that it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other loves, is further cleared and justified. Published by J. Norris, M.A. Rector of Bemerton near Sarum. The second edition, corrected by the authors, with some few things added.},
  publisher={Samuel Manship \& Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15661
  title={The Christian Religion, As Profess'd by a Daughter of the Church of England.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_24171
  title={The Christian religion, as profess'd by a daughter of the Church of England.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15647
  title={Reflections upon Marriage. The Third Edition. To which is Added A Preface, in Answer to some Objections.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_23011
  title={Reflections upon marriage. The third edition. To which is added a preface, in answer to some objections.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15663
  title={Bart’lemy Fair: or, an Enquiry after Wit; in which due Respect is had to a Letter Concerning Enthusiasm, to my Lord ***. By Mr. Wotton.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_24440
  title={An English dictionary, explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physick, philosophy, law, navigation, mathematicks, and other arts and sciences. Containing many thousand of hard words (and proper names of places) more than are in any other English dictionary or expositor: together with the etymological derivation of them from their proper fountains, whether, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, or any other language. In a method more comprehensive than any that is extant. By E. Coles, schoolmaster, and teacher of the tongue to foreigners.},
  publisher={Rebecca Bonwicke \& Timothy Goodwin \& John Walthoe I \& Matthew Wotton \& John Nicholson \& Benjamin Tooke II \& Richard Wilkin \& Samuel Manship \& Richard Smith \& Thomas Ward},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_24937
  title={Colloquiorum Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami familiarium opus aureum. Cum scholiis quibusdam perquam eruditis, quae difficiliora passim loca diligenter explicant. Editio triplici nomine commendatissima. 1. Collatis optimis usquequaque exemplaribus. 2. Additis seorsim in fronte Argumentis unicuique Colloquio. 3. Adjecto Indice novo rerum & verborum memorabiliorum locupletissimo. Denuò recensita & emendata},
  publisher={Rebecca Bonwicke \& Timothy Goodwin \& John Walthoe II \& Matthew Wotton \& Samuel Manship \& Richard Wilkin \& Benjamin Tooke II \& Ralph Smith III \& Thomas Ward},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15662
  title={The Christian Religion, As Profess'd by a Daughter of the Church of England.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_23048
  title={The Christian Religion, as Profess'd by a daughter of the Church of England.},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25979
  title={Sermons preached on several occasions. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Sprat, D. D. late Lord Bishop of Rochester, and Dean of Westminster.},
  publisher={Rebecca Bonwicke \& John Walthoe II \& Richard Wilkin \& Benjamin Tooke II \& John Ward \& Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange]},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_24308
  title={A collection of receipts in cookery, physick and surgery. Part II. Containing likewise a great number of excellent receipts, for preserving and conserving of sweet-meats, &c. By several hands},
  publisher={Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_24326
  title={A collection of receipts in cookery, physick and surgery. Part II. Containing Likewise, a Great Number of excellent Receipts, for Preserving and Conserving of Sweet Meats, &c. By several hands. The Second Edition.},
  publisher={Mary Kettilby \& Richard Wilkin},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_23276
  title={The Countess of Moreton's Daily Exercise: Or, A book of Prayers and Rules how to Spend the Time in the Service and Pleasure of Almighty God. The Twenty-second Edition.},
  publisher={John Walthoe II \& James, John, and Paul Knapton \& Robert Knaplock \& Richard Wilkin \& Daniel Midwinter and Aaron Ward \& Arthur Bettesworth \& Joseph Downing \& James and James Bonwicke \& Ranew Robinson \& William Mears [Ludgate Hill] \& Robert Gosling \& William Innys [St. Paul's] \& Benjamin Motte \& Thomas Ward \& Samuel Birt \& Daniel Browne II \& M. Wyat \& Christiana Bowyer},
  address={London},    }