Titles by James Oram in APA format
There are 5 titles associated with this firm.
, E.
Maternal instruction, or, family conversations, on moral and entertaining subjects, interspersed with history, biography, and original stories. designed for the perusal of youth. by elizabeth helme, author of instructive rambles in london, &c. &c. &c. first american edition.
New York:
, S.S.
Monkcliffe abbey or, the history of albert, elwina and adeline. by sarah wilkinson. to which is added, lopez and aranthe; or, the suicide. also, the beautiful little tale of the abbey of clunedale.
New York:
, M.M.
The christian character exemplified, from the papers of mrs. margaret magdalen a.......s, late wife of mr. frederick charles a.....s, london. selected and revised by john newton, rector of st. mary, woolnoth.
, M.M.
The christian character exemplified, from the papers of mrs. margaret magdalen a.......s, late wife of mr. frederick charles a.....s, london. selected and revised by john newton, rector of st. mary, woolnoth.
, S.
Elizabeth; or, the exiles of siberia: a tale, founded upon facts. from the french of madame cottin.
New York:
Evert Duyckinck [102 Pearl Street]