ID 6762
Name Elizabeth Smith
Gender Female
Street Address Bible in the Royal-Exchange
City London
Start Date 1690
End Date 1730
Sources British Book Trade Index 63892
British Book Trade Index 63846
Related People Smith, Elizabeth
Notes This is "E. Smith" when in the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill in the 1700s, not to be confused with Francis "Elephant" Smith who was at the Elephant and Castle in the 1680s. There is some confusion which E. Smith is publishing in the 1690s -- Elizabeth or Eleanor, Francis's daughter. The BBTI erroneously lists Elizabeth Smith's address in Ludgate; no such person or citation can be found in the ESTC or in Plomer. More research is needed to differentiate Elizabeth and Eleanor.


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"Elizabeth Smith" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 6762, Accessed 2025-03-29.

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