Titles by William Schlatter in MLA format
There are 3 titles associated with this firm.
Hindmarsh, Robert and Emanuel Swedenborg.
A Compendium of the Chief Doctrines of the True Christian Religion: as revealed in the writings of Emanual Swedenborg. By Robert Hindmarsh, Author of "Remarks on the Holy League, lately entered into by the Sovereigns of Austria, Prussia, and Russia," "A seal upon the Lips of all those, who refuse to acknowledge the exclusive Divinity of Jesus Christ," &c. &c. To which are annexed, a few extracts from E. Swedenborg's treatise on the universal theology of the New Church.
William Schlatter,
Swedenborg, Emanuel.
A treatise on the divine Trinity, together with an account of wonderful things seen in the spiritual world. Extracted from The true Christian religion, containing The universal theology of the New Church. By Emanuel Swedenborg, servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.
William Schlatter,
Clowes, John.
Sacred histories, selected from the Old Testament, and explained according to their internal or spiritual meaning. 1. The introduction. 2. The history of Creation. 3. The history of Paradise. 4. Paradise lost. 5. Cain and Abel. 6. The flood. Also, four parables of Jesus Christ, explained in the same way, by question and answer. By the Rev. J. Clowes, M.A. Rector of St. John's Manchester. To which is added, the faith of the New Church.
William Schlatter,