Titles by Mary Cist in BIBTEX format
There are 9 titles associated with this firm.
@book{ wphp_20661 author={}, year={1806}, title={Americanischer Stadt und Land Calendar auf das 1807te Jahr Christi.}, publisher={}, address={Philadelphia}, }
@book{ wphp_20833 author={}, year={1806}, title={Dank-Psalm zur Einweihung des neuerbauten Kirchen-Saals in Bethlehem am 20sten May, 1806.}, publisher={}, address={Philadelphia}, }
@book{ wphp_21866 author={Zeisberger,David}, year={1806}, title={Delaware Indian and English spelling book, for the schools of the mission of the United Brethren; with some short historical accounts from the Old and New Testament, and other useful instruction for children. By David Zeisberger.}, publisher={}, address={Philadelphia}, }
@book{ wphp_21472 author={}, year={1806}, title={Die täglichen Loosungen und Lehrtexte der Brüdergemeine, für das Jahr 1807.}, publisher={}, address={Philadelphia}, }
@book{ wphp_20888 author={}, year={1806}, title={Hoch-deutsches lutherisches ABC- und Namen-Büchlein für Kinder welche anfangen zu lernen.}, publisher={}, address={Philadelphia}, }
@book{ wphp_21090 author={}, year={1806}, title={Zum grossen Sabbath, 1806. Chorus. Das Lamm, das geschlachtet ist, is würdig zu nehmen.}, publisher={}, address={Philadelphia}, }
@book{ wphp_21091 author={}, year={1806}, title={Zur Chistnacht am 24. December, 1806. Alle. Glückseliger ist uns doch keine Nacht.}, publisher={}, address={Philadelphia}, }
@book{ wphp_21092 author={}, year={1806}, title={Zur Fundzigjährigen Jubelfeyer der Einweihung des Kirchen-Saales in Nazareth den 13ten November.}, publisher={}, address={Philadelphia}, }
@book{ wphp_21089 author={}, year={1806}, title={Zum 4ten May 1806. Liturgus und Gäste. Chorgemeine, freu dich heute.}, publisher={Mary Cist}, address={Philadelphia}, }