There are 5 titles associated with this firm.

@book{ wphp_25366
  title={The invader of his country: or, The fatal resentment. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's Servants. By Mr. Dennis},
  publisher={John Pemberton \& John Watts \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25615
  title={An explaination of the several Arabick terms us'd in The siege of Damascus written by Mr. Hughes. With a short account of the historical siege, and the life of Mahomet, as far as is Necessary to the better Understanding of the Play. Likewise a history of the Ancient and present State of the City of Damascus.},
  publisher={John Brotherton and William Meadows \& James Roberts [Warwick Lane] \& Thomas Jauncy \& Anne Dodd I \& William Lewis \& John Graves \& William Rufus Chetwood},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_26086
  title={The land-purchaser's companion: and the laws relating to tenants and tenures. Containing I. The Years Purchase all forts of Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reversions, &c. arc worth; Valluation of Wood, Timber, Tithes, Annuities, &c. with Contracts for Sales. II. A Summary of all the Laws and Statutes concerning Purchases of Lands, tenements, Rents, &c. and the Common Deeds for Conveying and Assigning of the same, Mortgages, &c. Ill. An Abridgement of the Laws relating to all kinds of Tenures; Tenants and Occupiers of Estates: Of Leases, Demand and Tender or Rent, Diftresses and Replevin, Waste, &c. with Precedents of Grants, Leases, &c. interspersed. To which are added, the laws and statutes relating to tithes, so far as they concern Tenants: The Law of Ejectments; Rentals of Estates, Accounts of Rents, &c.},
  publisher={William Mears [Temple Bar] \& Thomas Woodward \& Thomas Jauncy},
  address={London (Beckton)},    }
@book{ wphp_26064
  title={The laws relating to the highways. Containing ... In an alphabetical method from the common and statute-law, and books of reports.},
  publisher={William Mears [Temple Bar] \& Thomas Woodward \& Thomas Jauncy},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_24454
  author={Cicero,Marcus Tullius},
  title={Tully's two essays, of old age, and of friendship. With his stoical paradoxes, and Scipio's dream. Render'd into English by Samuel Parker, Gent.},
  publisher={John Wilford \& Thomas Jauncy},
  address={London},    }