Titles by Guil. Thurlbourn in BIBTEX format
There are 2 titles associated with this firm.
@book{ wphp_25461 author={Canning,Richard}, year={1746}, title={A sermon preach'd Dec. 18, 1745, on occasion of the present rebellion. By Richard Canning, M.A. minister of St. Lawrence, Ipswich, and rector of Harksted, in Suffolk.}, publisher={William Craighton \& }, address={Ipswich}, }
@book{ wphp_25381 author={Hingeston,Robertus}, year={1753}, title={Progymnasmata Hellēnika. Autore Roberto Hingeston A. M. Scholae Regiae Apud Gippovicenses in Agro Sudovolgarum Archididascalo.}, publisher={Joseph Bentham \& }, address={London}, }