Displaying 6676–6696 of 6696

ID Name Street Address City Start Date End date
1180 Wilson, Spence and Mawman [High Ousegate] In High Ousegate, Opposite All Saints' Church York (GB)
1953 Winks and Son Leicester (GB)
646 Wood and Co. the Bath and Cheltenham Gazette Office, Union Street Bath (GB)
7573 Worsley & Smith Philadelphia (US)
5230 Wray Birchin Lane London (GB)
1807 Wright and Bagnall 18 Bridge Street Bristol (GB) 1831 1835
586 Wright and Cruikshank Castle Street Liverpool (GB) 1804 1817
1442 Wright and Ormandy Lord Street Liverpool (GB) 1788
6897 Wright, Goodenow, and Stockwell New York (US)
6403 Wrigley and Berriman No. 149 Chestnut Street Philadelphia (US)
2092 Wynne and Scholey No. 45 Paternoster Row London (GB) 1798
885 Yarington and Bacon Norwich (GB) 1798
2593 Yeats Panton Street London (GB)
3405 Young, Gallie, and Co. 150 Trongate Glasgow (GB) 1818 1820
829 Z. Webb Norwich (GB)
3333 Zachariah Jackson [Dame Street] 7 Dame Street Dublin (IE) 1798
1000 Zachariah Jackson [Great Ship Street] No. 18 Great Ship Street Dublin (IE) 1788 1793
3332 Zachariah Jackson [Sackville Street] 5 New Buildings, Sackville Street Dublin (IE) 1793 1797
5534 Zachariah Stuart Lamb, 67 Paternoster Row London (GB) 1758 1773
542 Zachariah Warren Court Street Faversham (GB) 1775 1834
8198 Zechariah Fowle At the printing office in Back-Street. Boston (US) 1775