Displaying 51–75 of 6176

ID Name Street Address City Start Date End date
6660 Anthony Griggs and Keturah Dickinson no. 164 Market Street Philadelphia (US) 1811
2027 Anthony Haswell Bennington (US)
4836 Anthony Soulby In the Marketplace Penrith (GB) 1806
521 Appleyard and Co. 108 Newgate Street London (GB) 1807
5188 Archibald Bell No. 8, near the Saracen's Head, Ashgate London (GB)
3149 Archibald McLean Glasgow (GB)
8301 Archibald Webster Kirkcaldy Bay (GB)
1970 Arthur Neil No. 1 Evesham Buildings London (GB)
7128 Asa Mayo Boston (US)
5807 Augustus Applegath and Edward Cowper 24 Nelson-Square, Great-Surrey-Street London (GB)
1630 Austin King's Road Chelsea (GB)
4170 Ayers Cook No. 24, Callum-Street, near Fenchurch Street London (GB) 1755
2567 B. and G. Mozley Market Place Gainsborough (GB)
5841 B. and S. Gardiner London (GB) 1820
6628 B. B. Hopkins & Co. Philadelphia (US) 1806
1754 B. Bates and H. Howard Mountpleasant House (IE)
1719 B. Berger London (GB)
3025 B. Cordaunt London (GB)
3514 B. Domville London (GB)
7636 B. Evans Philadelphia (US)
4047 B. Fitzpatrick Dublin (IE)
969 B. Flower Harlow (GB)
4097 B. Long London (GB)
1399 B. Reynolds London (GB) 1818
8447 B. Steel Chapel Field Norwich (GB)