Displaying 1–25 of 5856

ID Name Street Address City Start Date End date
8469 William Dunlap King Street Lancaster (US) 1730 1754
8461 Jeremiah Wilkins North Fleet Street London (GB) 1701 1703
8460 Cassandra Meeres Old Bailey, near Ludgate Street London (GB) 1723 1726
8459 Thomas James Mark Lane London (GB) 1654 1710
8458 Eleanor James Mincing Lane, the next street to Mark Lane London (GB) 1710 1719
8457 Thomas Bland Near Ludgate Street London (GB) 1705 1709
8456 William Bonny Corn Street Bristol (GB) 1695 1715
8454 Elizabeth Redmayne Red-cross Alley in Jewin Street London (GB) 1683 1705
8453 Elinor Everingham Seven Stars, Ave Maria Lane London (GB) 1707 1715
8452 Mrs. Newcomb [Strand] The corner of Fountain Court, nearly opposite Exeter Exchange, in the Strand London (GB) 1760
8450 Sarah Hinton 34 Paternoster Row, Cheapside London (GB) 1781 1781
8449 William Freeman Repository of Arts, London Street Norwich (GB)
8448 John Berney Crome Saint George's Norwich (GB)
8447 B. Steel Chapel Field Norwich (GB)
8446 Phoebe Crome St. George's Street Norwich (GB)
8445 Mary Darly (also Darley) [Strand] 39 Strand, Corner of Buckingham Street London (GB)
8444 Mary Darly (also Darley) [Rider's Court] Little Rider's Court, Leicesterfields London (GB) 1756 1779
8442 Owen Lloyd near the Church in the Temple London (GB) 1711
8441 Benjamin Walford The Bear in Ave-Mary Lane London (GB) 1687 1710
8440 Hugh Meeres Black Friars London (GB) 1705 1723
8439 Thomas Ballard Rising Sun in Little Britain London (GB) 1698 1728
8437 George Conyers Golden Hill, Ludgate Hill London (GB) 1686 1750
8435 David Hogan [South Street] no. 51 South 3rd Street Philadelphia (US) 1801 1812
8434 Elizabeth Boyd the sign of the Leg of Pork and Sausages, Leicester Square London (GB) 1740 1745
8432 Jean-Louı̈s König Offenbach am Main (DE)