Titles by Greenwood, William in MLA format
There are 1 titles associated with this person.
Greenwood, William.
The authority, jurisdiction and method of keeping County-Courts, Courts-Leet, and Courts-Baron. Explaining the judicial and ministerial authority of sheriffs. Also, the office and duty of a coroner. By William Greenwood, gent. The eighth edition, very much enlarged, by adding the form and method of holding a Court of Survey, new Law Cases, precedents of Presentments and Surrenders, Declarations, Pleadings; with a Table of the Fees, &c. rendring it more useful to Under-Sherriffs, County-Clerks, Solicitors, Court-Keepers, &c.
Daniel Browne I,
John Walthoe II,
William Taylor,
Robert Gosling,
John Osborne I [Lombard St],