Titles by Arbuthnot, John in MLA format
There are 2 titles associated with this person.
Arbuthnot, John.
John Bull still in his senses: being the third part of Law is a bottomless-pit. Printed from a manuscript found in the cabinet of the famous Sir Humphry Polesworth: and publish'd, (as well as the two former parts) by the author of the New Atalantis.
John Morphew,
Arbuthnot, John.
Lewis Baboon turned honest, and John Bull politician. Being the fourth part of Law is a Bottomless-Pit. Printed from a manuscript found in the cabinet of the famous Sir Humphry Polesworth: and publish'd (as well as the three former parts and appendix) by the Author of The new Atalantis.
John Morphew,