ID 16
Last Name Barbauld
First Name Anna Laetitia
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1743-06-20
Date of Death 1825-03-09
Place of Birth Kibworth Harcourt
Place of Death Stoke Newington
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Displaying 226–250 of 267

Role Title Date
Author The three cakes; or, Harry, Peter, and Billy. A tale in verse. Illustrated with engravings. From the original in prose by Mrs. Barbauld. 1824
Author Lessons for children by Mrs. Barbauld ; with engravings and woodcuts ; nine original tales and some lessons in poetry. 1825
Author Lessons for children. In four parts. Part II. Being the first, for children of three years old. 1825
Author Lessons for children. In four parts. Part III. Being the second, for children of three years old. 1825
Author Lessons for children. In four parts. Part IV. Being the third, for children of three to four years old. 1825
Author The Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld. With a memoir by Lucy Aikin. In two volumes. 1825
Author The Works of Anna Letitia Barbauld, with a Memoir by Lucy Aikin. In two volumes. 1825
Author A legacy for young ladies : consisting of miscellaneous pieces, in prose and verse by the late Mrs. Barbauld. Second edition. 1826
Author A Legacy for Young Ladies, Consisting of Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Verse by the late Mrs. Barbauld. 1826
Author Evenings at Home; or, the Juvenile Budget Opened: Consisting of a variety of miscellaneous pieces for the instruction and amusement of young persons; by Dr. Aikin and Mrs. Barbauld. Fourteenth Edition. Carefully revised and corrected throughout by Arthur Aikin, ESQ. F.L.S., &c. And with some additional Pieces, by the Authors. The whole newly arranged. In four volumes. 1826
Author Hymnes en prose, pour les enfans. Par l'auteur des Leçons pour les enfans. Traduites de l'anglois par M. Clemence. 1826
Author Poetic Gleanings, from Modern Writers; with Some Original Pieces. By a governess. 1827
Author The Gleaner, a Selection of Poems for Youth 1827
Author An interlineary translation of Barbauld's 'Hymnes en prose.' Designed to assist young children in acquiring a vocabulary of the French language. 1828
Author Choice Selections, and Original Effusions; or, Pen and Ink Well Employed. By a daughter of a clergyman. 1828
Author Evenings at Home, By Mrs. Barbauld and Dr. Aikin No. 3. Containing Pine and Firs. The Rookery. Dialogue on Things to be Learned. Mouse, Lap Dog and Monkey. Animals and Countries. 1828
Author Evenings at Home; or The Juvenile Budget Opened: Consisting of a Variety of Miscellaneous Pieces, for the Instruction and Amusement of Young Persons. By Mrs. Barbauld and Dr. Aikin. In Three Volumes. Fourth American Edition. 1828
Author Hymns in prose for children : calculated to impress the infant mind with early devotion. By Mrs. Barbauld. 1828
Author Hymns in prose for children. By Mrs. Barbauld. Twenty-sixth edition, enlarged and improved. 1828
Author Leçons pour les enfans, de l'âge de deux jusqu'à cinq ans. Ouvrage en quatre parties. Traduit de l'anglois de Mde Barbauld, par M. Pasquier. Avec une interpretation anglaise à la fin. 1828
Author The Farm-Yard Journal. For the Amusement and Instruction of Children. 1828
Author Book of Stories; or, Allegorical Instruction and Entertainment for Children from Animated Creation. 1829
Author Sabbath Recreations: or, Select Poetry, of a Religious Kind, Chiefly Taken from the Works of Modern Poets; with Original Pieces never before Published. Edited by Emily Taylor. Second Edition, with numerous additions from English and American Poetry. 1829
Author The Farm-Yard Journal. For the Amusement and Instruction of Children. 1829
Author Book of Stories; or, Allegorical Instruction and Entertainment for Children from Animated Creation. 1830

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"Barbauld, Anna Laetitia" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 16, Accessed 2025-03-31.

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