There are 8 titles associated with this person.

Hill, Isabel. The Poet's Child. A Tragedy, in Five Acts. London: John Warren, 1820.
Hill, Isabel. Zaphna; or, The Amulet. A Poem. London: 1823.
Hofland, Barbara, Amelia Opie, Anna M. Hall, Mary Howitt, Mary R. Mitford, Maria J. Jewsbury, James Montgomery, Mary Sterndale, Francis Wrangham, Bernard Barton, George MacFarren, James Hogg, Allan Cunningham, Richardson G.F., Robert Walsh, Richard Gooch, Charles Strong, Henry F. Chorley, Richard Howitt, Thomas Greenwood, Charles Swain, Edward Walsh, John Luscombe, J.C.B., John H. Caunter, Frederick Muller, Sydney L. Blanchard, Letitia E. Landon, Anthony Carlisle, Eliza Leslie, Isabel Hill, Susanna Moodie, Jane C. Loudon, Anna Seward, J.F. Hollings, Emma Roberts, Elizabeth F. Dagley, John Horseman, and Mrs. Edelman. The Juvenile Forget Me Not. A Christmas and New Year's Gift, or Birthday Present, For the Year 1831. Edited by Mrs. S.C. Hall. London: Nathaniel Hailes [168 Piccadilly], Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis, Robert Jennings, 1830.
de Staël von Holstein, Anne L. G. Corinne. By Madame de Staël. Complete in one volume. London: Richard Bentley, 1833.
Hill, Isabel. Brother Tragedians. A Novel. London: Saunders and Otley, 1834.