Titles by Charleton, Catharine in MLA format
There are 3 titles associated with this person.
Charleton, Catharine.
Doctrines of the Resurrection Defended: Antichrist Tottering: the Name Numbering: the Tares Burning: the Seventh Trumpet Sounding: and the Evening Approaching.
Charleton, Catharine.
An answer to Judge Rush, on his "Observations on the character of Jesus Christ."
Charleton, Catharine.
A bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back: Containing an answer to a book entitled A seal upon the lips of Unitarians, Trinitarians, and all others who refuse to acknowledge the sole, supreme, and exclusive divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; containing illustrations of one hundred and forty-four passages in the four Evangelists and the Apocalpyse, in proof that Jesus Christ is the supreme and only God of heaven and earth. By Robert Hindmarsh. By Catharine Charleton.