Name Compiler

The person who selected the works contained within a text. Usually applies to anthologies and collections.


Displaying 1–25 of 129

Person Title
Aitken, Jane Extracts from The Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America, From A. D. 1789, to A. D. 1802. Inclusive, With a copious index.
Backhouse, William A guide to true peace, or, A method of attaining to inward and spiritual prayer. Compiled chiefly from the writings of Fenelon, Archbishop of Chambray, Lady Guion, and Michael de Molinos.
Bailey, Ebenezer The Young Ladies' Class Book; a Selection of Lessons for Reading, in Prose and Verse. By Ebenezer Bailey, Principal of the Young Ladies' High School, Boston.
Bailey, Ebenezer The Young Ladies' Class Book; a Selection of Lessons for Reading, in Prose and Verse. By Ebenezer Bailey, Principal of the Young Ladies' High School, Boston. Stereotype Edition.
Bailey, Ebenezer The Young Ladies' Class Book; a Selection of Lessons for Reading, in Prose and Verse. By Ebenezer Bailey, Principal of the Young Ladies' High School, Boston.
Barclay, Rachel Poems Intended to Promote Piety and Virtue in the Minds of Young People. Selected by Rachel Barclay. The Second Edition.
Bethune, Joanna The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York.
Bethune, Joanna The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Second Edition.
Bethune, Joanna The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Third Edition.
Bethune, Joanna The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Fourth Edition.
Bethune, Joanna The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Fifth Edition.
Blome, Richard The Gentleman’s Recreations: in Three Parts. The first part contains a short and easie introduction to all the liberal arts and sciences, &c. The second treats of horsemanship, hawking, hunting, fowling, fishing, agriculture, &c. Done from the most Authentick Authors, especially several lately Printed at Paris, as may be seen in the Preface; with great Enlargements, made by those well Experienced in the respective Recreations. The third is a compleat body of all our forest, chace, and game-laws, as they are at this Time. The whole illustrated with near an hundred copper-cuts relating to several Subjects, particular all Sorts of Nets, Engines, Traps, &c. are added for the Taking of Wild-Beasts, Fowl, Fish, &c. not hitherto Publish'd by any. The Second Edition Corrected, with near one half of additions.
Bownas, Samuel An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kacheky in New-England, Who, with four of her children and servant maid, was taken captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada. setting forth the various remarkable occurrences,-sore trials, and wonderful deliverances, which befel them after their departure to the time of their redemption. A new edition. Taken in substance from her own month. By Samuel Bownas. To which is added, the great audit; or, Good Steward. Being some necessary and important considerations, to be considered or by all sorts of people. Taken out of the writings of the late worthy and renowned Sir Matthew Hale. And therein his own experience of the inward and invisible guidance of the spirit of God.
Bownas, Samuel An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kachecky in New-England: who, with four of her children, and servant-maid, was taken captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada. Setting forth The various remarkable Occurrences, sore Trials, and wonderful Deliverances which befel them after their Departure, to the Time of their Redemption. A new edition. Taken in substance from her own mouth, by Samuel Bownas.
Bownas, Samuel An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kachecky in New-England: who, with four of her children, and servant-maid, was taken captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada. : Setting forth the various remarkable occurrences, sore trials, and wonderful deliverances which befel them after their departure, to the time of their redemption. Taken in substance from her own mouth, by Samuel Bownas
Bownas, Samuel [God's mercy surmounting man's cruelty, exemplified in the captivity and redemption of Elizabeth Hanson, wife of John Hanson, of Knoxmarsh at Keacheachy, in Dover township, who was taken captive with her children, and maid-servant, by the Indians in New-England, in the year 1724. : In which are inserted, sundry remarkable preservations, deliverances, and marks of the care and kindness of Providence over her and her children, worthy to be remembered. The substance of which was taken from her own mouth, and now published for a general service
Bownas, Samuel An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, now or late of Kachecky, in New-England: who, with four of her children and servant-maid, was taken captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada. Setting forth the various remarkable occurrences, sore Trials, and wonderful Deliverances which befel them after their Departure, to the Time of their Redemption. Taken in substance from her own mouth, by Samuel Bownas. The second edition.
Bownas, Samuel God's mercy surmounting man's cruelty, exemplified in the captivity and redemption of Elizabeth Hanson, wife of John Hanson, of Knoxmarsh at Kecheachy, in Dover township, who was taken captive with her children, and maid-servant, by the Indians in New-England, in the year 1724. : In which are inserted, sundry remarkable preservations, deliverances, and marks of the care and kindness of Providence over her and her children, worthy to be remembered. The substance of which was taken from her own mouth, and now published for general service
Bownas, Samuel An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, now or late of Kachecky; in New-England: who, with four of her children and servant-maid, was taken captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada. Setting forth The various remarkable Occurrences, sore Trials, and wonderful Deliverances which befel them after their Departure, to the Time of their Redemption. Taken in substance from her own mouth, by Samuel Bownas.
Bownas, Samuel An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kachecky in New-England: who, with four of her children, and servant-maid, was taken captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada. Setting forth The various remarkable Occurrences, sore Trials, and wonderful Deliverances which befel them after their Departure, to the Time of their Redemption. A new edition. Taken in substance from her own mouth, by Samuel Bownas.
Brine, John Some account of the choice experience of Mrs. Anne Brine, as written by herself, and collected out of her letters.
Card, Samuel Catalogue of books: being, the library of Samuel Card, Esq; counsellor at law, deceased: consisting of above three thousand volumes of choice, scarce and valuable books, in most languages and faculties. To be sold by auction, by William Ross, at the coffee-house of the Right Honourable the House of Lords, on Monday, the seventeenth of November, 1755. The sale to begin every day at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Catalogues to be had at the place of sale, price three-pence. N.B. The books are in fine condition, and most of them elegantly bound, and collated by Mr. Card.
Chase, Elizabeth Extracts in Prose and Verse, By a Lady of Maryland. Together with a Collection of Original Poetry, Never Before Published, By Citizens of Maryland. In Two Volumes.
Child, Lydia Maria Francis Moral lessons in verse [Two lines of verse by Bowring] Compiled by the editor of the "Juvenile miscellany
Cibber, Colley English Comedy: A Collection of the Most Celebrated Dramas, Since the Commencement of the Reformation of the Stage by Sir Richard Steele and Colley Cibber.