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Displaying 351–375 of 22294

Person Title
Ashbridge, Aaron Some Account of the Early Part of the Life of Elizabeth Ashbridge, who died, in the truth's service, at the house of Robert Lecky, in the county of Carlow, Ireland, the 16th of 5th month, 1755. Written by herself.
Ashbridge, Elizabeth Some Account of the Early Part of the Life of Elizabeth Ashbridge, who died, in the truth's service, at the house of Robert Lecky, in the county of Carlow, Ireland, the 16th of 5th month, 1755. Written by herself.
Ashbridge, Elizabeth Some Account of the Early Part of the Life of Elizabeth Ashbridge, who died, in the service of the truth, at the house of Robert Lecky, in the county of Carlow, Ireland, the 16th of 5th month, 1755. Written by herself.
Ashbridge, Elizabeth Some Account of the Early Part of the Life of Elizabeth Ashbridge, who died, in the service of the truth, at the house of Robert Lecky, in the county of Carlow, Ireland, the 16th of 5th month, 1755. Written by herself.
Ashbridge, Elizabeth Some Account of the Early Part of the Life of Elizabeth Ashbridge, who died, in the truth's service, at the house of Robert Lecky, in the county of Carlow, Ireland, the 16th of 5th month, 1755. Written by herself.
Ashbridge, Elizabeth Some account of the fore-part of the life, of Elizabeth Ashbridge, who departed this life, in truth's service, in Ireland, the 16th of the 5th month, 1755. Wrote by herself.
Ashburn, Rebecca Three remarkable dreams in succession, on Thursday night, April 15th, Friday night, April 16th, and Saturday night, April 17th, 1802. By Mrs. Rebecca Ashburn, of the Northern Liberties, Philadelphia; as related by herself to several Christian friends, and taken down from her own mouth, by Mr. Thomas Timings, member of the Baptist Church, Philadelphia.
Ashford, William Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Containing Communications on Various Subjects in Husbandry & Rural Affairs. To which is added, A Statistical Account of the Schuylkill Permanent Bridge. Vol. I.
Askew, Miss A review of the reigns of George I. & II. Dedicated, by permission, to the Countess of Marchmont. In two volumes. By a lady.
Askewe, Anne Ann Askew, shoemaker, at the Boot, next door to the Three Tuns and Rummer in Grace-church-Street. Sells all sorts of men's shoes, boots, and slippers.
Askewe, Anne Specimens of British poetesses; selected and chronologically arranged, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce
Asplin, William Alkibla. Part II. Or, the disquisition upon worshiping towards the east continued from the Primitive to the Present Times: with a serious and impartial Examination of the Reasons assigned for the Practice by our Modern Divines: in order to obviate Superstition in our Publick Devotion, to remove from it all Party-Distinction and unnecessary Objections, and to assert the Principles of the Reformation; by reducing the Ceremonies of Churchmen to the Standard of the Church. To which are prefix'd Some Thoughts by way of Preface concerning the proper Use of Ridicule in Controversies stil'd Religious.
Astell, Mary A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. Part I. By a Lover of her Sex. The Third Edition Corrected.
Astell, Mary Reflections upon Marriage. The Third Edition. To which is Added A Preface, in Answer to some Objections.
Astell, Mary The Character of the Wisest Men. Re-printed and published by the Author’s Friends.
Astell, Mary A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. In Two Parts. By a Lover of Her Sex.
Astell, Mary Some Reflections upon Marriage. With Additions. The Fourth Edition.
Astell, Mary A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. By a Lover of her Sex. The Second Edition Corrected.
Astell, Mary Some Reflections upon Marriage. With Additions. The Fifth Edition.
Astell, Mary A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. In Two Parts. By a Lover of her Sex. The Fourth Edition.
Astell, Mary A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. By a Lover of her Sex.
Astell, Mary Some Reflections upon Marriage Occasioned by the Duke and Dutchess of Mazarine's case; which is also considered.
Astell, Mary A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. By a Lover of her Sex. The Second Edition.
Astell, Mary Some Reflections upon Marriage. The Second Edition.
Astell, Mary Some remarks, or short strictures, upon A compassionate enquiry into the causes of the Civil war: in a sermon preach'd in the church of St. Botolph Aldgate, on January 31. 170 1/4. The day of the fast for the martyrdom of King Charles the First. By White Kennet, D.D. Arch-Deacon of Huntingdon, and Minister of St. Botolph without Aldgate.