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Displaying 1626–1650 of 22283

Person Title
Bracebridge, Selina Notes Descriptive of a Panoramic Sketch of Athens, May, 1836. Sold for the Benefit of the Fund to Build a Protestant Chapel at Athens, May, 1836.
Bradburn, Eliza Weaver Legends from Spenser's Fairy queen for children. By Eliza W. Bradburn.
Bradburn, Samuel An address, to the people called Methodists; concerning the criminality of encouraging slavery. By Samuel Bradburn, Minister of the Gospel. ; [Eleven lines of quotation
Bradburn, Samuel An address, to the people called Methodists; concerning the criminality of encouraging slavery. By Samuel Bradburn.
Bradbury, Eliza Sir, having had the honor of being approved by the House-Committee of the London Hospital, as candidate for matron; I beg leave to re-solicit the favor of your vote and interest. ...
Bradley, James The Oasis. Edited by Mrs. Child, author of "An Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans Called Africans."
Bradley, James The Oasis. Edited by Mrs. Child, author of "An Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans Called Africans."
Bradley, Martha The British housewife: or, the cook, housekeeper's, and gardiner's companion. Calculated for the Service both of London and the Country; And directing what is necessary to be done in the Providing for, Conducting, and Managing a Family throughout the Year. Containing a general account of fresh provisions of all Kinds. Of the several foreign Articles for the Table, pickled, or otherwise preserved; and the different Kinds of Spices, Salts, Sugars, and other Ingredients used in Pickling and Preserving at Home: Shewing what each is, whence it is brought, and what are its Qualities and Uses. Together with the Nature of all Kinds of Foods, and the Method of suiting them to different Constitutions; a bill of fare for each month, the Art of Marketing and chusing fresh Provisions of all Kinds; and the making as well as chusing of Hams, Tongues, and other Store Dishes. Also Directions for plain Roasting and Boiling; and for the Dressing of all Sorts of Made Dishes in various Tastes; and the preparing the Desert in all its Articles. Containing a greater Variety than was ever before publish'd, of the most Elegant, yet least Expensive Receipts in cookery, pastry, puddings, preserves, pickles, fricassees, ragouts, soups, sauces, jellies, tarts, cakes, creams, custards, candies, dry'd fruits, sweetmeats, made wines, cordials, and distillery. To which are annexed, the Art of Carving; and the Terms used for cutting up various Things; and the polite and easy Manner of doing the Honours of the Table: The whole Practice of Pickling and Preserving: And of preparing made Wines, Beer, and Cyder. As also of distilling all the useful Kinds of Cordial and Simple Waters. With the Conduct of a Family in Respect of Health; the Disorders to which they are every Month liable, and the most approved Remedies for each. And a Variety of other valuable Particulars, necessary to be known in All Families; and nothing inserted but what has been approved by Experience.
Bradshaw, Penelope Bradshaw's valuable family jewel, being a store-house of such curious matters as all ought to be acquainted with who intend to spend their lives either pleasantly or profitably. By Mrs. Penelope Bradshaw, and the late ingenious Mr. Lambart.
Bradshaw, Penelope Bradshaw's valuable family jewel. Being a store-house of such curious matters, as all aught to be acquainted with, who intend to spend their lives either pleasant or profitable. Containing all that relates to cookery, pastry, pickling, preserving, wine making, brewing, bread making, oat cakes, &c. With a great number of other necessary articles, not to be met with in any other book: Particularly, an excellent method for the management of a beer-cellar: how to keep ale, or beer, always exceedingly fine; and how to restore sour beer to its first perfection; which article has been of the utmost service to the purchasers of this book. Likewise, an excellent method to preserve a constant stock of yeast, even in the most fearce seasons. In this book is likewise inserted, mons. Millien's method of preserving meals from rust, such as guns, grates, candle-sticks, &c. for the discovery of which, the parliament of Paris gave him 10,000 l. By Mrs. Penelope Bradshaw, and the late ingenious Mr. Lambart, confectioner. The 10th edition.
Bradstreet, Martha The memorial of Martha Bradstreet, praying for the impeachment of Alfred Conkling, United States' Judge of the Northern District of New-York
Brady, Sarah At Devonshire House a book is kept by Sarah Shipman, the doorkeeper's daughter, where women servants and nurses, that are Friends, who want places, may have their names entered; and any Friend may be informed what servants, &c. are on the book. ...
Brainard, John Gardiner Calkins The Young Ladies' Class Book; a Selection of Lessons for Reading, in Prose and Verse. By Ebenezer Bailey, Principal of the Young Ladies' High School, Boston. Stereotype Edition.
Brainard, John Gardiner Calkins The Young Ladies' Class Book; a Selection of Lessons for Reading, in Prose and Verse. By Ebenezer Bailey, Principal of the Young Ladies' High School, Boston.
Brainard, John Gardiner Calkins The Young Ladies' Class Book; a Selection of Lessons for Reading, in Prose and Verse. By Ebenezer Bailey, Principal of the Young Ladies' High School, Boston.
Brainerd, David 'Tis all for the best.
Brand, Alexander A true collection of poems on the several birth-days of His Majesty King George, and of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales.
Brand, Barbarina Ogle Wilmot Ina, a tragedy; in five acts. By Mrs. Wilmot.
Brand, Barbarina Ogle Wilmot Dramas, Translations, and Occasional Poems. By Barbarina Lady Dacre.
Brand, Barbarina Ogle Wilmot Ina, a tragedy; in five acts. By Mrs. Wilmot.
Brand, Barbarina Ogle Wilmot Ina, a tragedy; in five acts. By Mrs. Wilmot. Second edition.
Brand, Hannah Plays, and poems; by Miss Hannah Brand.
Brandon, Isaac The English and American stage. Volume XXXIII. Contains ... : A complete table of contents is placed at the end of every ten volumes. Longworth's edition.
Bray, Anna Eliza Letters Written during a Tour through Normandy, Brittany, and Other Parts of France in 1818: Including Local and Historical Descriptions; with Remarks on the Manners and Character of the People. By Mrs Charles Stothard. With Numerous Engravings, after Drawings by Charles Stothard, F.S.A.
Bray, Anna Eliza Fitz of Fitz-Ford; A Legend of Devon. By Mrs. Bray, Author of ‘De Foix,’ ‘The White Hoods,’ ‘The Protestant,’ &c. &c. &c. In Three Volumes.