Name The English Novel 1830-1836
Online Source

The English Novel, 1830–1836 is a digital continuation of the English Novel, 1770–1829. Where possible, all copies of first editions have been examined first-hand.


Garside, Peter and Anthony Mandal, eds. The English Novel, 1830–1836. Cardiff, Centre for Editorial and Intertextual Research, 2003. 


Displaying 51–75 of 240

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
1295 Horatio In Search of A Wife. A Tale of Modern Times. By Anna Maria Morgan, and Hannah Maria Jones, Authoress of “The Atlas; Or, Modern Geography,” “Emily Moreland,” “Rosaline Woodbridge,” “The Strangers of the Glen,” &c. &c. Morgan , Anna Maria
Jones , Hannah Maria
John Saunders (Leeds)
1524 Hyacinthe; Or, the Contrast. By the Authoress of “Alice Seymour.” Grey , Elizabeth Caroline
James Cochrane and Co. (London)
1453 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. I. Life In the Wilds. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1455 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. III. Brooke and Brooke Farm. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1461 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. IX. Ireland. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1458 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. VI. Weal and Woe In Garveloch. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1459 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. VII. A Manchester Strike. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1460 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. VIII. Cousin Marshall. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1462 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. X. Homes Abroad. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1463 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XI. For Each and For All. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1464 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XII. French Wines and Politics. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1465 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XIII. The Charmed Sea. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1466 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XIV. Berkeley the Banker. Part I. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1113 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XIX. Sowers Not Reapers. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
15793 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XV. Berkeley the Banker. Part II. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1468 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XVI. Messrs. Vanderput and Snoek. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1469 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XVII. The Loom and the Lugger. Part I. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
15801 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XVIII. The Loom and the Lugger. Part II. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1472 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XX. Cinnamon and Pearls. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1473 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XXI. A Tale of the Tyne. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1474 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XXII. Briery Creek. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1475 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XXIII. The Three Ages. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1477 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. XXV. The Moral of Many Fables. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1476 Illustrations of Political Econony. No. XXIV. The Farrers of Budge-Row. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
473 Illustrations of Taxation. No. I. The Park and the Paddock. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)