Name American Antiquarian Society
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The American Antiquarian Society is a national research library of American history and culture through 1876 which has been sharing American stories for more than two hundred years.


American Antiquarian Society.

Titles 5770
Firms 15
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Displaying 2826–2850 of 5770

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
17700 Northwood; a tale of New England. By Mrs. S.J. Hale. ; [Five lines of quotation] ; Volume I[-II 1827
21120 Notice is hereby given to the curious, that at the house of Mrs. Abegal Smith in Providence will be exhibited and continued from day to day (the weather being fair) for a few days, a course of experiments on the newly discovered electrical fire 1752
21313 Notification. All persons who are desirous of leaving the town of Boston, are hereby called upon to give in their names to the town-major forthwith 1775
19074 Nouveaux élémens de la conversation, en anglais et en français. Ouvrage composé sur le plan de celui du Dr. Wanostrocht et de celui de John Perrin. Par le professeur G. Poppleton, à Paris. ; Suivi du Manuel d'idiotismes de Madame de Genlis. ; Corrigé par un maître de langues du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
21697 November I. 1775. To the House of Magistrates. Gentlemen, resolved, that seventy thousand pounds old tenor be raised by a tax, to be forthwith assessed and levied, agreeable to law, on the estates and poles [sic] of the inhabitants of this colony 1755
20981 Now ready for the press, and to be printed by subscription, in one large octavo volume, containing about three hundred folios ... The deputy commissary's guide within the province of Maryland. ... By Elie Vallette 1774
20277 Nurse Truelove's Christmas box: or The golden plaything for little children. By which they may learn the letters as soon as they can speak, and learn how to behave so as to make every body love them 1789
20272 Nurse Truelove's Christmas box: or, The golden plaything for little children; by which they may learn the letters as soon as they can speak, and know how to behave so as to make every body love them 1789
20274 Nurse Truelove's Christmas box: or, The golden plaything for little children; by which they may learn the letters as soon as they can speak, and know how to behave so as to make every body love them 1796
20275 Nurse Truelove's Christmas box: or, The golden plaything for little children; by which they may learn the letters as soon as they can speak, and know how to behave so as to make every body love them. Truelove , Nurse
20276 Nurse Truelove's Christmas box. Or, The golden plaything for little children; by which they may learn the letters as soon as they can speak, and know how to behave so as to make every body love them. Truelove , Nurse
20283 Nurse Truelove's New Year's gift; or The book of books for children. Adorned with cuts. : And designed for a present to every little boy who would become a great man, and ride upon a fine horse, and to every little girl who would become a fine woman and ride in a governor's gilt coach. But let us turn over the leaf and see more of the matter 1800
20281 Nurse Truelove's New Year's gift: or, The book of books for children. Adorned with cuts. And designed for a present to every little boy who would become a great man,and ride upon a fine horse; and to every little girl, who would become a fine woman, and ride in a governour's gilt coach. But let us turn over the leaf and see more of the matter 1794
20278 Nurse Truelove's New-Year's gift: or The book of books for children. Adorned with cuts and designed for a present to every little boy and girl, who would become great men and women 1787
20282 Nurse Truelove's New-Year's gift: or, The book of books for children. : Adorned with cuts. And designed for a present to every little boy who would become a great man, and ride upon a fine horse; and to every little girl who would become a fine woman, and reide in a governor's gilt coach. But let us turn over the leaf and see more of the matter 1796
20279 Nurse Truelove's New-Year's gift: or, The book of books for children. Adorned with cuts. : And designed for a present to every little boy who would become a great man, and ride upon a fine horse; and to every little girl, who would become a fine woman, and ride in a governour's gilt coach. But let us turn over the leaf and see more of the matter 1786
20280 Nurse Truelove's New-Year's gift: or, The book of books for children. Adorned with cuts. And designed for a present to every little boy who would become a great man, and ride upon a fine horse; and to every little girl who would become a fine woman, and ride in a governour's gilt coach. But let us turn over the leaf and see more of the matter 1793
18816 O'Donnel. A national tale. By Lady Morgan, (late Miss Owenson,) author of the Wild Irish girl, Novice of St. Dominick, &c. Three volumes in two. Owenson , Sydney
Van Winkle and Wiley (New York)
17988 Oakwood Hall; a novel, by Catharine Hutton, author of the "Miser married," and "Welsh mountaineer." In two volumes. Hutton , Catherine
M. Carey and Son [126 Chestnut Street] (Philadelphia)
20982 Obituary of Charles Petit, a boy who lately died at the orphan asylum, in New York. Unknown ,
Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street] (Philadelphia)
18349 Observations on a pamphlet, entitled, thoughts on the cause of the present discontents. By Catharine Macaulay. ; [One line from Shakespeare Macaulay , Catharine
18338 Observations on Free Masonry; with a Masonic vision. Addressed, by a lady in Worcester, to her female friend. ; [Nine lines of verse Lyon , Abigail
21348 Observations on the Changes of the Air, and the Concomitant Epidemical Diseases in the Island of Barbadoes. To which is added, A treatise on the Putrid Bilious Fever, commonly called The Yellow Fever; and such other diseases as are indigenous or endemial, in the West India islands, or in the torrid zone. By William Hillary, M. D. With notes, by Benjamin Rush, M. D. professor of the institutes and practice of medicine in the University of Pennsylvania. Hillary , William
Rush , Benjamin
Benjamin and Thomas Kite (Philadelphia)
18849 Observations on the importance of female education, and maternal instruction, with their beneficial influence on society. By a mother. ; [Six lines of quotations] ; To which is added, an appendix, containing brief hints to parents, on the subject of education, and hints to young people on the duties of civil life. By James Mott 1827
18850 Observations on the importance of female education, and maternal instruction, with their benificial influence on society. By a mother. ; [Six lines of quotations 1825