Name American Antiquarian Society
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The American Antiquarian Society is a national research library of American history and culture through 1876 which has been sharing American stories for more than two hundred years.


American Antiquarian Society.


Displaying 676–700 of 5770

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
18332 An account of the convincement and call to the ministry of Margaret Lucas, late of Leek, in Staffordshire. [Two lines from Isaiah Lucas , Margaret
17478 An account of the death of Sarah Lawrance, who died at the vicarage in Madeley, Shropshire, December 3d. 1800; aged forty-four years. By Mary Fletcher. Fletcher , Mary
John Hagerty & John Kingston (Baltimore)
17479 An account of the death of the Rev. Mr. Fletcher, Vicar of Madeley, in Shropshire. [Three lines of Scripture text 1791
17480 An account of the death of the Rev. Mr. Fletcher, Vicar of Madely, in Shropshire 1786
19260 An account of the experience of Mrs. Hester Anne Rogers: written by herself. To which is added, Spiritual letters, calculated to illustrate and enforce holiness of heart. Also, A sermon, preached on the occasion of her death, October 26, 1794, by the Rev. Thomas Coke, L. L. D. With an appendix, written by her husband; and containing selections transcribed from her manuscript journals. Rogers , Hester Ann
Coke , Thomas
Rogers , James
John Kingston (Baltimore)
20541 An account of the last illness and death of the Hon. William Wirt, in a letter by his daughter 1834
16745 An account of the life and death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bury, who died, May the 11th 1720. Aged 76. Chiefly collected out of her own diary. ; Together with her elegy, by the Reverend Dr. Watts 1743
18062 An account of the loss of the Wesleyan missionaries, Messrs. White, Hillier, Truscott, Oke, and Jones, with Mrs. White and Mrs. Truscott, and their children and servants, in the Maria mail boat, off the island of Antigua in the West Indies, February 28, 1826. By Mrs. Jones, the only survivor on that mournful occasion 1831
18886 An account of the New-York Institution for the Blind; together with a brief statement of the origin, progress, and present condition, of the institutions for the blind in this and other countries. : To which is added biographical notices of some of the most illustrious blind. : Published by order of the managers 1833
17735 An account of the particular soliloquies and covenant engagements, past betwixt Mrs. Janet Hamilton, the defunct Lady of Alexander Gordon, of Earlstown; upon the several dyets, and at the several places underwritten; which were found in her cabinet, among her papers, after her death at Earlstown, February 26, 1696. Being all written and subscribed with her own hand
21433 An act for emitting bills of credit, and for other purposes therein mentioned 1770
21746 An act for establishing county courts, and for regulating the proceedings therein 1785
21635 An act for the relief of insolvent debtors, and also for the more effectual recovery of debts in this colony 1754
21644 An act for vesting and distributing intestate estates 1759
21311 An act of Parliament passed in the fourteenth year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Third. 1774 1774
21515 An Act to Authorize and Direct the Governor to incorporate a company for erecting A Permanent Bridge over the River Schuylkill, at or near where the floating bridge of Abraham Sheriden is at present situate, known by the name of "The Upper Ferry." In the county of Philadelphia. Snyder , Simon
21516 An Act to Incorporate the Farmers and Mechanics Bank. Snyder , Simon
21645 An act to prevent keeping disorderly houses. To encourage virtue and suppress vice, is the end of government; and nothing tends more directly to obstruct it, than the owners or possessors of houses, permitting any evil practices to be carried on, such as destructive gaming, excessive drinking, shameful lewdness, debauchery, and uncleanness, or dishonest receiving and concealing stolen goods. And to prevent such mischiefs 1753
21636 An act, in addition to an act, made and passed by the General Assembly, at their session held at Newport, with and for the colony of Rhode-Island, on the first Wednesday of May, A.D. 1750, entitled, An act, providing in case of fire breaking out in the town of Newport, and for the more speedy extinguishing thereof, and for preserving ef [sic] goods endangered thereby 1762
17427 An address delivered at Bloody Brook, in South Deerfield, September 30, 1835, in commemoration of the fall of the "flower of Essex," at that spot, in King Philip's War, September 18, (O.S.) 1675. By Edward Everett. ; Published by request 1835
17650 An address delivered before the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, at the celebration of their ninth triennial festival, October 10, 1833. By Nathaniel Greene 1833
21812 An address of the Congress to the inhabitants of the United States of America 1778
21492 An address of the Convention of the Representatives of the State of New-York to their constituents 1777
17382 An address on female education, read at the anniversary of the Brooklyn Collegiate Institute for Young Ladies, by Fanning C. Tucker, president of the board of trustees. Written for the occasion by Mrs. Emma C. Embury Embury , Emma Catherine
21414 An address on the errors of husbandry, in the United States. Delivered before the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, at their annual meeting, January 14, 1818. By George Logan, M. D. one of the vice-presidents of the Society. Logan , George