Name American Antiquarian Society
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The American Antiquarian Society is a national research library of American history and culture through 1876 which has been sharing American stories for more than two hundred years.


American Antiquarian Society.


Displaying 101–125 of 5770

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
17188 A Brief Statement of the Sufferings of Mary Dyer, occasioned by the society called Shakers. Written by herself. To which is added, affidavits and certificates. Also, a declaration from their own publication. (Copy right secured.) Dyer , Mary Marshall
21172 A Calm Address to the People of the Eastern States, on the subject of the Representation of Slaves; The Representation in the Senate; and The Hostility to Commerce ascribed to the Southern States. By the author of The Olive Branch. Carey , Mathew
Mathew Carey [122 Market Street] (Philadelphia)
17975 A caution to such as observe days and times. To which is added, an address to magistrates, parents, masters of families, &c. By Sophia Hume. ; [Three lines of Scripture text Hume , Sophia
21349 A charge, delivered at St. Peter's Church, in Salem, to the Most Antient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, upon the festival of St. John, the Evangelist, December 27th, 5780. By the Right Worshipful Master, of Essex Lodge 1780
21175 A Circular to the members of St. Mary's congregation. Discord has existed in this congregation for nearly two years, to the scandal of its members, and the discredit of the church. 1814
18107 A collection of above three hundred receipts in cookery, physick and surgery; for the use of all good wives, tender mothers, and careful nurses. By several hands 1714
18108 A collection of above three hundred receipts in cookery, physick and surgery; for the use of all good wives, tender mothers, and careful nurses. By several hands 1728
21824 A Collection of All Such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a public & permanent nature, as are now in force: comprising the first volume of the revised code. The second edition, with copious notes of reference to subsequent acts, and a new and much enlarged index. To which are prefixed the Declaration of Rights, and Constitution, or Form of Government. Published pursuant to an act of the General Assembly, passed on the tenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and twelve. 1814 The second edition, with copious notes of reference to subsequent acts, and a new and much enlarged index.
21144 A collection of colloquial phrases, on every topic necessary to maintain conversation: arranged under different heads; with numerous remarks on the peculiar pronunciation and use of various words. The whole so disposed as considerably to facilitate the acquisition of a correct pronunciation of the French. By A. Bolmar 1836
21141 A collection of colloquial phrases, on every topic necessary to maintain conversation: arranged under different heads; with numerous remarks on the peculiar pronunciation and use of various words. The whole so disposed as considerably to facilitate the acquisition of a correct pronunciation of the French. By A. Bolmar. ; Stereotyped by L. Johnson 1830
21142 A collection of colloquial phrases, on every topic necessary to maintain conversation: arranged under different heads; with numerous remarks on the peculiar pronunciation and use of various words. The whole so disposed as considerably to facilitate the acquisition of a correct pronunciation of the French. By A. Bolmar. ; Stereotyped by L. Johnson 1831
21143 A collection of colloquial phrases, on every topic necessary to maintain conversation: arranged under different heads; with numerous remarks on the peculiar pronunciation and use of various words. The whole so disposed as considerably to facilitate the acquisition of a correct pronunciation of the French. By A. Bolmar. ; Stereotyped by L. Johnson 1834
15976 A Collection of tales, written by Kotzebue, Charlotte Smith, Midford [i.e., Mudford], Von Messing, Meissner, Mrs. Opie, Florian, (the French Goldsmith) St. Evremond, the author of the "World without souls," and others; and a few pieces of poetry, by Mrs. Robinson, B. Pratt, Montgomery, and others. Kotzebue , August Friedrich Ferdinand von
Smith , Charlotte Turner
Mudford , William
Von Messing , M.
Meissner , August Gottlieb
Claris de Florian , Jean Pierre
Saint-Evremond , Charles de
Cunningham , John William
Robinson , Mary
Pratt , Benjamin
Montgomery , James
Cole , Harry E.
Opie , Amelia
Obadiah R. Van Benthuysen and William Wood (Albany)
20801 A Collection of the laws relative to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal; passed by the legislatures of the states of Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, subsequent to the year 1798. : Published by order of the president and directors of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company, June 1, 1823 1823
20804 A Comparative view of the Natural Small-Pox, Inoculated Small-Pox, and Vaccination in their effects on Individuals and Society. White , William
21350 A Compendium of the Chief Doctrines of the True Christian Religion: as revealed in the writings of Emanual Swedenborg. By Robert Hindmarsh, Author of "Remarks on the Holy League, lately entered into by the Sovereigns of Austria, Prussia, and Russia," "A seal upon the Lips of all those, who refuse to acknowledge the exclusive Divinity of Jesus Christ," &c. &c. To which are annexed, a few extracts from E. Swedenborg's treatise on the universal theology of the New Church. Hindmarsh , Robert
Swedenborg , Emanuel
William Schlatter (Philadelphia)
16279 A Concise Account of the London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews. Adams , Hannah
20250 A concise history of England, comprised in a set of easy lessons for children. : Brought down to the Peace of Paris. By Mrs. Trimmer. ; To which are added, tables of chronology, events, &c Trimmer , Sarah
20249 A concise history of England, comprised in a set of easy lessons for children. : Brought down to the Peace of Paris. By Mrs. Trimmer. ; To which are added, tables of chronology, events, &c Trimmer , Sarah
20247 A concise history of England, comprised in a set of easy lessons: being a continuation of a series of historical books for children. Brought down to the Peace of Paris. In two volumes. By Mrs. Trimmer. To which are added, tables of chronology, events, &c. Trimmer , Sarah
Munroe and Francis [4 Cornhill] (Boston)
David Francis (Boston)
15978 A Concise narrative of a tour, through some parts of England, France, Holland, Switzerland, and Italy, in the years 1799, 1800, 1801, and 1802: in a letter to a friend in England 1821
18966 A concise system of English grammar, selected and abridged for the use of schools. By Mary Palmer, Teacher of a Grammar School in New-York. Copy-right secured. Palmer , Mary
19192 A concordance, or Assistant for the sex; more particularly for the weak, or young believer in Christ. By Orra Reeder 1826
21194 A confession of faith held by a Society of Friends called Separates, containing their fundamental principles. It was wrote with a desire of promoting truth by one that sincerely wishes the good of all mankind. Christopher Clark 1774
17476 A confession of faith: or, A summary of divinity. Drawn up by a young gentle-woman, in the twenty-fifth year of her age. ; And now published, for the benefit of all, but more especially of young persons; that they may attain to a competent knowledge, in saving and divine truths Fiske , Sarah
Joseph Baxter (Boston)