ID 1085
Name Ann Rivington and John Marshall
Gender Female
Street Address 5 Badger Yard, St John's Square, Clerkenwell
City London
Start Date 1786
End Date 1790
Related People Rivington, Ann
Related Firms Ann Rivington


Displaying 1–8 of 8

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer The dying believer's confidence in his exalted redeemer. A sermon, preached at the meeting-house in Butt-Lane, Deptford, on Lord's-day, October 16, 1785, on occasion of the much lamented death of the Rev. John Olding, who, after having been thirty-one years pastor of the church assembling in that place, fell asleep in Jesus, in the 64th year of his age, october 7, 1785. By Stephen Addington, D.D. Published at the request of the family, and the congregation. Rivington , Ann (Printer)
Addington , Stephen (Author)
Printer Cornelius Nepos de vitis excellentium imperatorum. Interpretatione & notis illustravit Nicolaus Cortin ... in usum serenissimi delphini. Editio duodecima, prioribus multo emendatior. Nepos , Cornelius (Author)
Courtin , Nicolaus (Illustrator)
Rivington , Ann (Printer)
Printer Discourses on the parable of the sower. By Samuel Stennett, D.D. Rivington , Ann (Printer)
Stennett , Samuel (Author)
Printer Infant baptism stated and defended. A discourse delivered in the meeting-house, on the pavement, Moorfields, London; November 17, 1785: at the baptism of the Rev. William Bennet's child: with a practical address on the occasion. The second edition. By John Horsey, of Northampton. Rivington , Ann (Printer)
Horsey , John (Author)
Printer Poems, by Helen Maria Williams. In two volumes. Williams , Helen Maria (Author)
Rivington , Ann (Printer)
Printer The Essex harmony: being a choice collection of the msot celebrated songs and catches now in vogue: several never before published: for one, two, three, four, and five voices. Volume I. The third edition, with additions. By John Arnold, philo-musicae, organist of Great-Warley, Essex. Arnold , John (Author)
Rivington , Ann (Printer)
Printer Discourses on the parable of the Sower. By Samuel Stennett, D.D. The second edition. Rivington , Ann (Printer)
Stennett , Samuel (Author)
Printer Cornelius Nepos de vitis excellentium imperatorum. Interpretatione & Notis illustravit Nicolaus Courtin, Humanitatis Professor in Universitate Paris. Jussu Christianissimi Regis, in usum serenissimi delphini. Editio decima-tertia, prioribus multo emendatior. Nepos , Cornelius (Author)
Courtin , Nicolaus (Translator)
Rivington , Ann (Printer)

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"Ann Rivington and John Marshall" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 1085, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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