ID 129
Name Philip Norbury
Gender Unknown
Street Address 110 High Street
City Brentford
Start Date 1775
End Date 1823


Displaying 26–50 of 53

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer The history of Rome: from the foundation of the city to the fall of the eastern empire, related in familiar conversations, by a father to his children: interspersed with moral and instructive remarks, and observations on the most leading and interesting subjects: designed for the perusal of youth. By Elizabeth Helme. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher The history of Rome: from the foundation of the city to the fall of the eastern empire, related in familiar conversations, by a father to his children: interspersed with moral and instructive remarks, and observations on the most leading and interesting subjects: designed for the perusal of youth. By Elizabeth Helme. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer The Fruits of Reflection; or, Moral Remembrances on Various Subjects. Designed for the perusal of youth. By Elizabeth Helme, Author of the History of England, of Scotland, and Rome, as related by a father to his children; Instructive Rambles, &c. &c. In two volumes. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Peacock , Lucy (Bookseller)
Publisher Aurora and Maria: or, the advantages of adversity. A moral tale, in which is introduced a juvenile drama, call'd Queen Elizabeth, or, old times new revived. By Elizabeth Somerville. Author of leading strings to knowledge, a mother's lessons, &c, &c Somerville , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher The Fruits of Reflection; or, Moral Remembrances on Various Subjects. Designed for the perusal of youth. By Elizabeth Helme, Author of the History of England, of Scotland, and Rome, as related by a father to his children; Instructive Rambles, &c. &c. In two volumes. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Peacock , Lucy (Bookseller)
Printer Columbus, or, The discovery of America. As related by a father to his children, and designed for the instruction of youth. Translated from the German of J.H. Campe (Author of the New Robinson Crusoe) by Elizabeth Helme, author of The History of England, Scotland, Rome, &c. &c. A new edition, with the translator's last corrections and improvements. Campe , Joachim Heinrich (Author)
Helme , Elizabeth (Translator)
Publisher Columbus, or, The discovery of America. As related by a father to his children, and designed for the instruction of youth. Translated from the German of J.H. Campe (Author of the New Robinson Crusoe) by Elizabeth Helme, author of The History of England, Scotland, Rome, &c. &c. A new edition, with the translator's last corrections and improvements. Campe , Joachim Heinrich (Author)
Helme , Elizabeth (Translator)
Printer Magdalen; or, The Penitent of Godstow; An Historical Novel. In Three Volumes. By Elizabeth Helme, author of St. Margaret's Cave, or the Nun's Story, The Pilgrim of the Cross, &c. &c. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Magdalen; or, The Penitent of Godstow; An Historical Novel. In Three Volumes. By Elizabeth Helme, author of St. Margaret's Cave, or the Nun's Story, The Pilgrim of the Cross, &c. &c. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer Modern Times; or, The Age We Live In. A Posthumous Novel. In Three Volumes. Dedicated, by permission, to the Right Honorable Countess Cowper. By Elizabeth Helme, author of The Farmer of Inglewood Forest, The Pilgrim of the Cross, The Penitent of Godstow, &c. &c. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer Poems and Miscellaneous Essays. By Henrietta Rhodes. Rhodes , Henrietta (Author)
Publisher Modern Times; or, The Age We Live In. A Posthumous Novel. In Three Volumes. Dedicated, by permission, to the Right Honorable Countess Cowper. By Elizabeth Helme, author of The Farmer of Inglewood Forest, The Pilgrim of the Cross, The Penitent of Godstow, &c. &c. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer Friendly Labours, or, Tales and dramas for the amusement and instruction of youth. By Lucy Peacock, Author of The Adventures of the Six Princesses of Babylon, Visit for a Week, &c. &c. In two volumes. Peacock , Lucy (Author)
Printer The history of Scotland: related in familiar conversations, by a father to his children: interspersed with moral and instructive remarks, and observations on the most leading and interesting subjects: designed for the perusal of youth. By Elizabeth Helme. Author of Instructive Rambles, Maternal Instruction, The History of England, As related by a Father to his children &c. &c. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Friendly Labours, or, Tales and dramas for the amusement and instruction of youth. By Lucy Peacock, Author of The Adventures of the Six Princesses of Babylon, Visit for a Week, &c. &c. In two volumes. Peacock , Lucy (Author)
Publisher The history of Scotland: related in familiar conversations, by a father to his children: interspersed with moral and instructive remarks, and observations on the most leading and interesting subjects: designed for the perusal of youth. By Elizabeth Helme. Author of Instructive Rambles, Maternal Instruction, The History of England, As related by a Father to his children &c. &c. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer A preparatory exercise on the road leading to the land of learning, by easy paths and short stages: in progressive lessons of increasing syllables. By Elizabeth Helme. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher A preparatory exercise on the road leading to the land of learning, by easy paths and short stages: in progressive lessons of increasing syllables. By Elizabeth Helme. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Mamma's stories read by herself to her little girl. Broome , Charlotte Ann (Author)
Printer Modern Times; or, The Age We Live In. A Posthumous Novel. In Three Volumes. Dedicated, by permission, to the Right Honorable Countess Cowper. By Elizabeth Helme, author of The Farmer of Inglewood Forest, The Pilgrim of the Cross, The Penitent of Godstow, &c. &c. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Modern Times; or, The Age We Live In. A Posthumous Novel. In Three Volumes. Dedicated, by permission, to the Right Honorable Countess Cowper. By Elizabeth Helme, author of The Farmer of Inglewood Forest, The Pilgrim of the Cross, The Penitent of Godstow, &c. &c. Helme , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Tales at the Fire Side; or, A Father and Mother's Stories. In Three Volumes. Dedicated by Permission to Colonel M'Mahon. By Miss Emily Clark, Grand-Daughter of the Unfortunate Colonel Frederick, and author of The Banks of the Douro, Poems, &c. &c. Clark , Emily Frederick (Author)
Printer Benignity; or, The Ways of Happiness. A Serious Novel. Selected (with additional conversations,) from the works of Henry Brooke, Esq. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Printer Elvington. A Novel. In Three Volumes. By Mrs. Nathan. Nathan , Eliza (Author)
Printer Redwald; a Tale of Mona: And Other Poems. By Louisa Stuart Costello. Costello , Louisa Stuart (Author)

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"Philip Norbury" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 129, Accessed 2025-03-31.

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