ID 1536
Name B. W. and S. Gardiner
Gender Male
Street Address 248 Tottenham Court Road
City London
Start Date 1817
End Date 1849


Displaying 1–7 of 7

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer Sacred history, in familiar dialogues, for the instruction of youth: with maps. To which is added, the history of the Jews, from the time of Nehemiah to the destruction of Jerusalem. By Miss H. Neale, author of 'Amusement Hall,' 'Britannus and Africus,' &c. &c. With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. John Ryland, D.D. In two volumes. Neale , Hannah (Author)
Printer Sacred history, in familiar dialogues, for the instruction of youth: with maps. To which is added, the history of the Jews, from the time of Nehemiah to the destruction of Jerusalem. By Miss H. Neale, author of 'Amusement Hall,' 'Britannus and Africus,' &c. &c. With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. John Ryland, D.D. In two volumes. Neale , Hannah (Author)
Printer Emma De Lissau; A Narrative Of Striking Vicissitudes, And Peculiar Trials; With explanatory Notes, Illustrative Of The Manners And Customs Of The Jews. By The Author Of "Sophia De Lissau," "Elizabeth Allen," &c. &c. In Two Volumes. Bristow , Amelia (Author)
Printer Sophia de Lissau; or, A Portraiture of the Jews of the Nineteenth Century: being an Outline of Their Religious and Domestic Habits with explanatory notes. By the author of "Elizabeth Allen; or, The Faithful Servant." Second Edition. Bristow , Amelia (Author)
Printer Emma De Lissau; A Narrative of Striking Vicissitudes, and Peculiar Trials; With Notes, Illustrative of the Manners and Customs of the Jews. By the author of "Sophia De Lissau," "Elizabeth Allen," &c. &c. In two volumes. Second Edition. Bristow , Amelia (Author)
Printer Sophia De Lissau; A Portraiture of the Jews, of the Nineteenth Century; Being an Outline of Their Religious and Domestic Habits; With Explanatory Notes, by the author of "Emma De Lissau," "Elizabeth Allen," &c. &c. Third Edition. Bristow , Amelia (Author)
Printer Sophia De Lissau; A Portraiture of the Jews, of the Nineteenth Century; Being an Outline of their Religious and Domestic Habits; with explanatory notes, by the author of "Emma De Lissau," "Elizabeth Allen," &c. &c. Third Edition. Bristow , Amelia (Author)

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"B. W. and S. Gardiner" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 1536, Accessed 2024-10-21.

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