Titles by Peter Elmsley [Strand] in APA format
There are 7 titles associated with this firm.
, A.
Poems, with a dramatic entertainment. by **** *****.
, A.C.P.
Avvisi di madama piccolomini petra, duchessa del vastogirardi, a suo figliuolo: ovvero, poema sulla condotta civile della vita umana. con alcune brevi annotazioni in inglese, ed indice delle cose notabili; a beneficio degli studiosi della favella italiana nell' impero britannico. da francesco sastres.
Thomas Cadell [London] Peter Elmsley [Strand] Benjamin White. Peter Molini [Oxenden St]
, S.
The lives of the most eminent english poets; with critical observations on their works. by samuel johnson. in four volumes. ...
Charles Bathurst [26 Fleet Street] James Buckland [57 Paternoster] William Strahan. John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] Thomas Davies [Russell Street] Thomas Payne I. Lockyer Davis [High Holborn] William Owen. Benjamin White. Stanley Crowder. Thomas Caslon. Thomas Longman II. Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] Charles Dilly. James Dodsley. John Wilkie. James Robson. Joseph Johnson. Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] George Robinson [ii] Thomas Cadell [London] James Nichols. Elizabeth Newbery. T. Evans [Bristol] Peter Elmsley [Strand] Robert Baldwin I. George Nicholson [Ludlow] John Bew [Clifford's Inn] Joseph Bowen [New Bond Street]
, G.
Georgina: or, memoirs of the bellmour family. by a young lady. in four volumes.
du Crest de Saint-Aubin
, S.F.
Religion considered as the only basis of happiness, and of true philosophy. a work written for the instruction of the children of his most serene highness the duke of orleans; and in which the principles of modern pretended philosophers are laid open and refuted. by madame the marchioness of sillery, heretofore countess of genlis. in two volumes.
Thomas Cadell [London] Peter Elmsley [Strand] Thomas Payne and Son.
, A.E.C.
Jeu des fautes que les enfans & les jeunes gens commettent le plus ordinairement contre la bonne éducation et contre la politesse. par m. l'abbé gaultier.
Peter Elmsley [Strand] Elizabeth Newbery.