There are 16 titles associated with this firm.

West , J. (1799). Poems and plays. by mrs. west, author of ``a tale of the times,'' ``a gossip's story,'' &c. &c. London: Charles Whittingham I [Dean Street] Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees.
Johnson , S., & Hamilton , J. (1800). Johnson's dictionary of the english language, in miniature. to which are added, an alphabetical account of the heathen deities; a list of the cities, boroughs, and market towns in england and wales; a copious chronology; and a concise epitome of the most remarkable events during the french revolution. by the rev. joseph hamilton, m.a. thirteenth edition. London: Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees. Joseph Johnson. Francis and Charles Rivington. James Mathews [Matthews] John Cuthell [4 Middle Row] John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] William Lowndes [76 Fleet Street] James Scatcherd. Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row] George Wilkie [Paternoster Row] John Stockdale. William Clarke and Son. Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] Samuel Bagster [Strand] Thomas Cadell and William Davies. Wynne and Scholey. John and Arthur Arch [Gracechurch Street] John Murray and Samuel Highley. Thomas Hurst [Paternoster] John Harding. James Wallis [46 Paternoster Row] Alexander and James Black [George Street] Joseph Mawman [Poultry]
Gray , T. (1800). The poetical works of thomas gray, ll.b. late professor of modern languages and history in the university of cambridge: with some account of his life and writings. the whole carefully revised; and illustrated by notes. to which are annexed, poems addressed to, and in memory of, mr. gray; several of which were never before collected. second edition, considerably enlarged and improved. London: Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees. Francis and Charles Rivington. William, James and John Richardson. William Otridge and Son. James Scatcherd. Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row] Thomas Hurst [Paternoster] Joseph Mawman [Poultry] James Nunn. Edmund Lloyd [24 Harley Street] Jordan Hookham [100 New Bond Street] Richard Lea [Greek Street, Soho]
Mason , C. (1801). The lady's assistant for regulating and supplying the table; being a complete system of cookery. containing the most select bills of fare, properly disposed, for family dinners of five dishes to two courses of eleven and fifteen ; with bills of fare for suppers, from five to nineteen dishes ; and several desserts : including the fullest and choicest receipts of various kinds, and full directions for preparing them in the most approved manner, by which a continual change may be made, as wanted, from the several bills of fare. likewise, directions for brewing, making english wines, raspberry, orange, and lemon-brandies, &c. also, remarks on kitchen poisons, and necessary precautions thereon. with an appendix, containing general particulars on the breeding, rearing, and management of poultry, on the business of dairy ; and on the management of the kitchen and fruit garden. originally published from the manuscript collection of mrs. charlotte mason, a professed housekeeper, who had upwards of thirty years experience in families of the first fashion. the eighth edition, enlarged, corrected, and improved to the present time. London: William, James and John Richardson. Crosby and Letterman. Thomas Hurst [Paternoster] John Walter [Homer's Head, Charing Cross] Thomas Kay. James Scatcherd. Elizabeth Newbery. Richard Lea [Greek Street, Soho] James Mathews [Matthews] John Sewell [Cornhill] Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] Lackington, Allen and Co. Peter McQueen [MaQueen] James Tindal.
Chapone , H.M. (1810). Letters on the improvement of the mind. addressed to a lady. by mrs. chapone. with the life of the author. a new edition. London: James Scatcherd and Charles Letterman [Litterman] Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme. Charles Law. Benjamin Crosby and Co. Sherwood, Neely, and Jones.