ID 4866
Last Name Dore
First Name James
Gender Male
Date of Birth 1764
Date of Death 1825
Place of Birth
Place of Death
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Displaying 1–10 of 10

Role Title Date
Author Letters on faith. Addressed to a friend. By James Dore. 1786
Author A sermon on the African slave trade, preached at Maze-Pond, Southwark, Lord’s day afternoon, Nov. 30, 1788, by James Dore. 1788
Author A sermon on the African slave trade, preached at Maze-Pond, Southwark, Lord’s day afternoon, Nov. 30, 1788, by James Dore. Published at request. Second Edition. 1788
Author A sermon on the African slave trade, preached at Maze-Pond, Southwark, Lord’s day afternoon, Nov. 30, 1788. By James Dore. 1788
Author A sermon on the happy recovery of His Majesty King George the Third. Preached at Maze Pond, Southwark, April 26, 1789, by James Dore. 1789
Author A sermon, Occasioned by the death of Mr. John Flight, who departed this life July 10, 1791, in the Twenty-Fifth Year of his age; preached in Angel-Street, Worcester, July 24, 1791. By James Dore. 1791
Author The Principles of antipd̆obaptism, and the practice of female communion completely consistent. In answer to the arguments and objections of Mr. Peter Edwards in his candid reasons: with animadversions on his temper and conduct in that publication. The preface and notes, by James Dore. 1795
Author An essay on the resurrection of Christ; in which proofs of the fact are adduced, its import is explained, and its beneficial influence illustrated. By James Dore. 1797
Author The path of the just like the shining light: a sermon, occasioned by the death of Henry Keene, Esq. who departed this life February 14, 1797, in the Seventy-First year of His Age; preached at Maze-Pond, Southwark, February 26, 1797, By James Dore. 1797
Author Christ crucified, the grand theme of Paul’s ministry; illustrated in a sermon, preached at the Baptist Monthly meeting, August 22, 1799, at Mr. Hutchings’ place of Worship, Unicorn-Yard, Southwark. By James Dore. 1799

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"Dore, James" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 4866, Accessed 2025-03-25.

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