ID 23
Name George, George, and John Robinson
Gender Unknown
Street Address Addison's Head, No. 25 Paternoster Row
City London
Start Date 1794
End Date 1801


Displaying 26–50 of 151

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher Poems by Lady Manners. Manners , Catharine Rebecca (Author)
Publisher Reasons for National Penitence, recommended for the fast, Appointed February XXVIII. 1794. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia (Author)
Publisher The child of nature. A dramatic piece, in four acts. From the French of Madame the Marchioness of Sillery, formerly Countess of Genlis. Performing at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. By Mrs. Inchbald. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité (Author)
Publisher The complete French master, for ladies and gentlemen; containing, I. A new methodical French grammar. II. A well digested and copious Vocabulary. III. Familiar Phrases and Dialogues on all Manner of Subjects. IV. Dialogues of Wit and Humour. V. A Taste of the French Poetry. VI. A Collection of French Songs. Vii. A Collection of Choice Proverbs, both French and English. Viii. A catalogue of the most approved French books, recommended as proper in fitting up a Lady’s or a Gentleman’s Library. For The Use Of His Highness William, Sometime Duke Of Gloucester. By Mr. Abel Boyer, Author Of The Royal Dictionary, French And English. Boyer , Abel (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The lives of the most eminent English poets. With critical observations on their works. By Samuel Johnson. A new edition, corrected. In four volumes. A New Edition, Corrected. Johnson , Samuel (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Publisher The medallion. By S. Pearson. Dedicated (by permission) to his royal highness the prince of wales. In three volumes. ... Pearson , Susanna (Author)
Publisher The mysteries of Udolpho, a romance; interspersed with some pieces of poetry. By Ann Radcliffe, author of the romance of the forest, etc. In four volumes. Radcliffe , Ann (Author)
Publisher The mysteries of Udolpho, a romance; interspersed with some pieces of poetry. By Ann Radcliffe, author of The Romance of the Forest, etc. The second edition. In four volumes. Radcliffe , Ann (Author)
Publisher The wedding day, a comedy; in two acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. By Mrs. Inchbald. Inchbald , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher A journey made in the summer of 1794, through Holland and the western frontier of Germany, with a Return down the Rhine: to which are added Observations during a tour to the lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland. By Ann Radcliffe. Radcliffe , Ann (Author)
Radcliffe , William (Author)
Publisher A journey made in the summer of 1794, through Holland and the western frontier of Germany, with a return down the Rhine: to which are added Observations during a tour to the lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland. In two volumes. Second edition. By Ann Radcliffe. Radcliffe , Ann (Author)
Radcliffe , William (Author)
Publisher A practical new grammar, with exercises of bad English, or, An easy guide to speaking and writing the English language properly and correctly ... : to which is added a curious and useful appendix Fisher Slack , Ann (Author)
Publisher A practical new grammar, with exercises of bad English: or, an easy guide to speaking and writing the English language properly and correctly. Containing, I. Orthography; or True Spelling, which treats of the Sounds and Uses of the several Letters in all Positions; of the Division of Words into Syllables, and the Use of Points. II. Prosody; or the Art of Pronouncing Syllables in Words truly, with Tables of Words properly accented. III. Etymology; or the Kinds of Words, which explains the several Parts of Speech; their Derivations and different Endings; Change and Likeness to one another. IV. Syntax; or Construction, which teaches how to connect Words aright in a Sentence, or Sentences together. To which is added, a Curious and Useful appendix. The fifteenth edition, Enlarged and much Improved. By A. Fisher. Fisher Slack , Ann (Author)
Publisher Family Lectures: or, a Copious Collection of Sermons, Selected from the Most Celebrated Divines, on Faith and Practice. Atterbury. Adams. Allen. Barrow. Balguy. Batty. Beveridge. Bentley. Bellamy, Blackall. Brown. Bull. Bundy. Burnet. Clarke. Calamy. Coney. Delaney. Duke. Gibson. Hort. Hoadley. Hopkins. Hickman. Horne. Hole. Harvest. Ibbot. Jortin. Kennet. Littleton. Lucas. Lupton. Moor. Moss. Orr. Porteus. Ridley. Sharpe. Sherlock. Swift. Stebbing. Stephens. Snape. Stillingfleet. Seed. Secker. Tillotson. Tilly. Terry. Trapp. Wake. Wilson. Webster. A New Volume. Unknown , (Compiler)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Publisher Historical anecdotes of heraldry and chivalry, tending to shew the origin of many English and foreign coats of arms, circumstances and customs. Dobson , Susannah (Author)
Publisher Historical anecdotes of heraldy and chivalry, tending to shew the origin of many English and foreign coats of arms, Circumstances and Customs. Dobson , Susannah (Author)
Publisher Letters Containing a Sketch of the Politics of France, From the Thirty-First of May 1793, Till the Twenty-Eighth of July 1794, and of the Scenes Which Have Passed in the Prisons of Paris. By Helen Maria Williams. Williams , Helen Maria (Author)
Publisher Letters containing a sketch of the politics of France, from the thirty-first of May 1793. till the 10th of Thermidor, twenty-eighth of July 1794. And of the scenes which have passed in the prisons of Paris. By Helen Maria Williams. Williams , Helen Maria (Author)
Publisher Letters containing a sketch of the scenes which passed in various Departments of France during the tyranny of Robespierre, and of the events which took place in Paris on the 28th of July 1794. By Helen Maria Williams. Vol.III. Williams , Helen Maria (Author)
Publisher Letters containing a sketch of the scenes which passed in various departments of France, During the tyranny of Roberspierre, and of the events which took place in Paris on the tenth of thermidor, By Helen Maria Williams. Vol III. Williams , Helen Maria (Author)
Publisher Paradise Lost. A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. Printed from the Text of Tonson's Correct Edition of M.DCC.XI. Milton , John (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Publisher Paul and Virginia. Translated from the French of Bernardin Saint-Pierre; by Helen Maria Williams, Author Of Letters ON The French Revolution, Julia A Novel, Poems, etc. de Saint-Pierre , Jacques-Henri Bernardin (Author)
Williams , Helen Maria (Translator)
Publisher Robert and Adela: or, the rights of women best maintained by the sentiments of nature. In three volumes. Thomson , Anna (Author)
Publisher The mysteries of Udolpho, a romance; interspersed with some pieces of poetry. By Ann Radcliffe, Author of the romance of the Forest, etc. The third edition. In four volumes. Radcliffe , Ann (Author)
Publisher The royal captives: a fragment of secret history. Copied from an old manuscript, by Ann Yearsley. ... Yearsley , Ann (Author)

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"George, George, and John Robinson" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 23, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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