There are 13 titles associated with this firm.

Edgeworth, Maria. Tales and Miscellaneous Pieces. By Maria Edgeworth. In fourteen volumes. London: Rowland Hunter, Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy, Joseph Booker, Harding, Triphook, and Lepard, R. Scholey, Robert Saunders, Thomas Hamilton, William Adams, and Co., W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, T. Mason [Great Russell Street], Anthony King Newman and Co., Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, James Duncan, Thomas Tegg [73 Cheapside], George Smith and Alexander Elder [Cornhill], 1825.
More, Hannah. Sacred Dramas. Chiefly Intended for Young Persons. The Subjects Taken from the Bible . . . . London: Nathaniel Hailes [172 Piccadilly], Richard Griffin and Co. [64 Hutcheson Street], Bowdery and Kerby, Thomas Tegg [73 Cheapside], 1827.
Edgeworth, Maria. Castle Rackrent, an Hibernian tale. Taken from facts, and from the manners of the Irish squires, before the year 1782. By Maria Edgeworth, author of Practical Education, Letters for Literary Ladies, The Parent's Assistant, &c. A New Edition. London: Rowland Hunter, Robert Baldwin and Charles Cradock, Longman Rees and Co., Joseph Booker, John Murray [Coventry Street], Robert Benton Seeley and Co., Sherwood and Co., George B. Whittaker, Harding and Lepard, Anthony King Newman and Co., R. Scholey, Thomas Hurst, Edward Chance, and Co., Robert Saunders and Edmund Hodgson, Thomas Tegg [73 Cheapside], Thomas Hamilton and William Adams, W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, T. Mason [Cambridge Street], James Duncan, George Smith, Alexander Elder and Co., John Templeman [1822-9], 1828.
Edgeworth, Maria. Tales And Novels by Maria Edgeworth. In Eighteen Volumes. London: Joseph Booker, W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, John Murray II [Albemarle], Anthony King Newman and Co., George Smith, Alexander Elder and Co., E. Hodgson, Robert Baldwin and Charles Cradock, Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington], Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnot, J. Bain, R. Mackie, Renshaw and Rush, G. and J. Robinson [Liverpool], Thomas Tegg [73 Cheapside], John Templeman [1830-9], 1832.
Child, Lydia Maria Francis. The little girl's own book. By Mrs. Child. The third edition. embellished with wood cuts, engraved by Branston and Wright. London: Bowdery and Kerby, Richard Griffin and Co. [115 Buchanan Street], Thomas Tegg [73 Cheapside], Nathaniel Hailes [168 Piccadilly], 1832.
Child, Lydia Maria Francis. The Mother's Book. By Mrs Child. Third edition. Glasgow: Richard Griffin and Co. [115 Buchanan Street], Thomas Tegg [73 Cheapside], 1832.