ID 502
Name John Barfield
Gender Unknown
Street Address 91 Wardour Street, Soho
City London
Start Date 1796
End Date 1842


Displaying 1–12 of 12

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer The little emigrant, a tale: interspersed with moral anecdotes and instructive conversations. Designed for the perusal of youth. By Lucy Peacock. The second edition. Peacock , Lucy (Author)
Peacock , Lucy (Publisher)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Printer The adventures of the six princesses of Babylon, in their travels to the temple of virtue: dedicated by permission, to her Royal Highness the Princess Mary. By Lucy Peacock. Fourth edition, revised. Peacock , Lucy (Author)
Peacock , Lucy (Publisher)
Printer The Castle of Roviego; or, Retribution. A Romance, in Four Volumes. By Mary Pickar. Pickar , Mary (Author)
Printer Sacred history, in familiar dialogues, for the instruction of children and youth: in two volumes. By the late Miss H. Neale with a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. John Ryland, D.D. Neale , Hannah (Author)
Bookseller Explanation of the Pilgrim's progress, &c. &c.: abridged, and adapted to the capacities of children, in dialogue, between a child, and his mother. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Printer A Tour in France. 1802. King , Frances Elizabeth (Author)
Printer An Essay on a new theory of Colours, and on composition in general; illustrated by coloured blots shewing the application of the theory to flowers, landscapes, figures, &c. In three parts, By M. Gartside, Part I. The second edition. Gartside , Mary (Author)
Gartside , Mary (Illustrator)
Printer Explanation of the Pilgrim's progress, &c. &c.: abridged, and adapted to the capacities of children, in dialogue, between a child, and his mother. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Printer Memoirs of Maria, Countess d'Alva: Being neither novel nor romance, but appertaining to both. Interspersed with historic facts & comic incidents; in the course of which are introduced, fragments & circumstances, not altogether inapplicable to the events of this distracted age, and to the measures of the foresighted defenders of our holy faith. In Two Volumes. By Priscilla Parlante. Cavendish Bradshaw , Mary Ann (Author)
Printer Sacred history, in familiar dialogues, for the instruction of youth: with maps. To which is added, the history of the Jews, from the time of Nehemiah to the destruction of Jerusalem. By Miss H. Neale, author of 'Amusement Hall,' 'Britannus and Africus,' &c. &c. With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. John Ryland, D.D. Third edition. In two volumes. Neale , Hannah (Author)
Printer The Old School. In Two Volumes. Smith , Julia (Author)
Printer Amusement Hall; or, An easy introduction to the attainment of useful knowledge. By Miss H. Neale, author of Sacred history, Britannus and Africus, &c. Fourth edition, with a frontispiece. Neale , Hannah (Author)

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"John Barfield" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 502, Accessed 2025-02-22.

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